Lesson 23: Data Encryption Standard (DES)
30 JANUARY 1997
Revision 0
DES represents the technological completion point of our
classical cryptography course. I originally designed
this course to meet ACA member needs and to cover the
various types of cryptographic systems that might be
found in the ACA bimonthly publication "The Cryptogram."
I believe that I have met and exceeded that goal.
DES is outside of the ACA purview. DES is also a
marvelous example of putting many of the principles of
our course into practice. For those interested, Schneier
presents a detailed discussion of more advanced
cryptosystems. He builds upon the DES theory discussed
in this Lecture. [SCH2] Also, reference [NIST90] is a
state-of-the-art discussion of modern cryptosystems and
is highly recommended.
Lecture 24 will be devoted to special topics and will
present additional cryptograms for study and solution.
I will update and restructure my Volume II references
and resources file. It along with solutions to Lecture
24's special topics problems will constitute my final
Lecture 25. As with every Tae Kwon Do form, there is a
birth and death of each movement; each movement having
its time, beauty, place and purpose. So too, I have
tried to create a course that has birth and death in
each Lecture and terminates with the appropriate
material. My gift is complete, only the packing is left.
Those students interested in course participation
certificates please advise me by e-mail, so I have an
idea how many to order.
Volume II of our textbook should be out of the editing
mode and into publication by Aegean Park Press in
February, 1977 (I think). I will make an announcement
as soon as it is available. Those interested in signed
copies please advise by private E-mail, and I will
maintain a small inventory for that purpose. (On a
personal note, I consider the signing of Volume I at our
convention quite an honor and I thank you' ll for the
recognition. Also thanks again to Dave Kennedy of NCSA
and MEROKE for their excellent book reviews.)
Since its official introduction in 1977 by the National
Bureau of Standards, perhaps no other encryption
standard has been dissected by researchers and customers
as closely as the Data Encryption Standard (DES). DES
brings together much of the work that we have studied in
the past 22 lectures and adds some interesting new
principles such as Involution, Work Factor, Data
Dependency and Iterated Cryptosystems. There is a
wealth of resources describing DES. Many of the earlier
texts espoused that DES was unbreakable. Computer
technology has changed the machinery and that
assumption. The brilliant researchers, Biham and Shamir
in their "Differential Cryptanalysis," proved that the
DES was by itself not unbreakable and that the system
could be broken in its weaker forms on a personal
computer. [DIFF]
In 1997, NIST requested public comment on the AES or
Advanced Encryption Standard to replace their old
workhorse DES. It is amazing (and a testament to its
founders) that DES in its various forms has lasted for
so many years as a viable cryptographic package.
There are several good references describing DES, its
variants and cryptanalytical attacks against it. [MEYE],
[SCHN], [SEBE], [WALS], [RYSK], [SCH2] and [HOFF]. I
will draw from most of these texts to describe DES and
its demise.
In my opinion, DES represents the turning point from
classical cryptography into modern day cryptography.
Actually, DES is nothing more than a complex combination
of the substitution and transposition systems we have
previously studied. We need to define some new concepts
to understand why the DES combination of simpler systems
makes for such a strong cryptosystem in situ.
Due to the invention of computer systems and the
introduction of nation-wide computer networks, the
twentieth century has drastically changed the range of
data protection issues. As we move into the twenty-first
century, our concerns for data protection center around
protection of communication channels which not only
connect terminals to computers but create communication
networks among the host computers. Due to the natural
attributes of any channel, we have a communication
medium that is accessible to eavesdroppers so physical
security is useless. Cryptosystems are used to enforce
protection in communication channels.
Encryption is the key (the Australian's call it
"primitive") operation at the disposal of cryptography.
It is a special computation that operates on messages,
converting them into representation that is meaningless
for all parties other than the intended receiver.
Transformations effected on messages are so intricate
that it is beyond the means of the interloper to undo
the process. Almost without exception all modern
cryptosystems rely upon the difficulty of reversing the
encryption transformation as a basis for a secure
The encryption algorithm is chosen from a family of
invertible transformations known as the general system,
or cryptosystem. The parameter that selects the
particular transformation from the family is called the
enciphering key. The cryptosystem may take any of
several forms, say a set of instructions, a piece of
hardware or a program, one of which is selected by the
enciphering key.
Public key schemes are based on a class of functions
known as one-way trapdoor functions, derived from a
class of computationally difficult problems termed NP
(non-deterministic polynomial) problems. Private secret
key schemes, in contrast, rely on a series of complex
substitution and transposition operations, called
involution, which are very hard to analyze
mathematically. [STIN]
Formally, a cryptosystem is a single parameter family of
invertible transformations,
Ek ; K n K
where K is the keyspace, which is of finite length, with
elements K1,K2...Kn. If M is the message space and C is
the cryptogram or ciphertext space, then the system must
have the following properties:
o enciphering algorithm
Ek: M -> C
for any fixed encryption key K n K, is an invertible
transformation of the message space into the cryptogram
space, i.e. Ek(M) = C, where M n M and C n C;
o there is an inverse algorithm Ek = Dk called the
decryption algorithm
Dk: C -> M, such that Dk(C) = Dk[Ek(M)] = M ;
o the keys uniquely define the enciphered message,
Ek1(M) .ne. (not =) Ek2(M) if K1 .ne. K2
Modern Cryptography deals with the design and analysis
of systems that provide secure communications or resist
cryptanalysis. A system is said to be compromised via
cryptanalysis if it is possible to recover the original
message, plaintext, from the ciphertext, without
knowledge of the key used in the encryption algorithm.
Cryptanalysis draws from such disciplines as probability
theory, number theory, statistics and algebra, topology,
chaos theory, matrix theory, non linear calculus,
algorithms, communication language, and redundant
properties of the language being investigated.
Cryptanalysis is a system identification problem and the
goal of cryptography is to build systems that are hard
to identify. An ideal system is one that has a flat
distribution for all statistical properties of the
cipher, implying that the redundant qualities of the
natural language have been obscured.
In 1948, Shannon characterized the two main methods of
uniformly distributing the redundant characteristics of
a natural language. [SHAN] First through diffusion ,
which spreads the correlations and dependencies of the
messages over substrings as long as feasible so as to
maximize the unicity distance (see section item 2). The
second approach is confusion, where the functional
dependencies of the related variables are mad as complex
as possible so as to increase the time needed to analyze
the system. DES takes maximum advantage of both of
these approaches.
The 'noisy channel' problem is analogous to the problem
of secure communication in cryptography - the noise
corresponding to the enciphering transformation and the
received message as the ciphertext. The role of the
sender, though, is to make the recovery of the original
message as difficult as possible, if not impossible.
Cryptographers seek to devise encryption techniques that
produce ciphertext that cannot be distinguished from
purely random bit strings by the opponent. [SEBE]
Figure 21-1
Noisy Channel
M ----------+------------> M'
sender receiver
George Simmon's points out that the statistical
communication channel of the coding/decoding model has
been replaced by a game theoretic channel; nature has
been replaced by an intelligent opponent. Game theory is
a mathematical theory (and a political and relationship
[I'm ok - you're not] theory) that deals with the
general features of competitive situations, placing
particular emphasis on the decision-making process of
adversaries. [SIMM]
It is not sufficient that a cryptosystem be able to
thwart cryptanalysis alone. It should frustrate any and
all aims of unauthorized parties attempting to subvert
the integrity of a supposedly secure channel.
Seberry identifies the typical aims of an opponent as
a. to determine the content of the message M;
b. to alter message M to M' and have M' accepted by the
receiver as a message from transmitter of M;
c. to initiate communications to a receiver and have the
interloper posing as an authorized transmitter. This
is also called 'spoofing'.
Traditionally, the first of these aims, known as the
privacy problem, has been our interest for about 22
lectures. Electronic communications has acquired a more
ubiquitous presence in public and private spheres. The
latter two aims have become more important in systems
design. Foiling these aims are known as the problem of
authentication and the problem of dispute. [SEBE]
A cipher is considered breakable if it is possible to
determine the plaintext or key from the ciphertext, or
to determine the key from plaintext-ciphertext pairs.
Dr. Denning defines four basic methods of attack to
determine the adequacy of a prospective cryptosystem:
ciphertext-only, known-plaintext, chosen-plaintext, and
Under a ciphertext-only attack, a cryptanalyst must
determine the key solely from the intercepted
ciphertext, through the method of encryption, the
plaintext language, the subject matter of the
ciphertext, and certain probable words may be known.
Under a known plaintext attack, a cryptanalyst knows
some plaintext-ciphertext pairs. Knowledge of probable
words allows a close approximation to the known
plaintext attack. Encrypted programs are particularly
vulnerable because of the appearance of keywords - e.g.
begin, end, var, procedure, if, then. Even if the
positions of these words are not known, reasonable
guesses may be made.
Under a chosen plaintext attack, a cryptanalyst is able
to acquire the ciphertext corresponding to selected
plaintext. This is the most favorable condition for the
cryptanalyst. A database system may be particularly
vulnerable to this type of attack if users can insert
elements into the database, and then observe the changes
in the stored ciphertext. Bayer and Metzger call this
the planted record problem. [BAYE]
Public-key systems have introduced a fourth kind of
attack: a chosen-ciphertext attack. Although the
plaintext is not likely intelligible, the key may be
A cipher is unconditionally secure if, no matter how
much ciphertext is available or intercepted, there is
not enough information in the ciphertext to determine
the plaintext uniquely. With one exception, the one-
time pad, all ciphers are breakable given unlimited
resources, so we are more interested in ciphers that are
computationally infeasible to break. A cipher is
computationally secure or strong if it cannot be broken
by systematic analysis with available resources.
Information transmitted over electronic lines is
vulnerable to passive wiretapping, which threatens
secrecy, and to active wiretapping, which threatens
authenticity. Passive wiretapping (eavesdropping) refers
to the interception of messages, usually without
detection. Active wiretapping (tampering) refers to
deliberate modifications made to the message stream.
Encryption protects against message modification and
injection of false messages by making it infeasible for
the opponent to create ciphertext that deciphers into
meaningful plaintext. Note that whereas it can be used
to detect message modification, it can not prevent it.
Encryption does not protect against replay , because an
opponent could simply replay the previous ciphertext.
Protocols requiring acknowledgments normally prevent
against intentional message deletion.
Data in computer systems is subject to similar threats.
Threats to secrecy include: browsing, leakage and
inference. Browsing refers to searching through main
memory or storage for information and confidential
programs. If access controls are not employed,
ciphertext searching for identical information pairs may
be effective. Leakage refers to the transmission of
data to unauthorized persons by processes with
legitimate access to the data. Inference refers to the
deduction of confidential data about a particular
individual by correlating released statistics about
groups of individuals.
Threats to authenticity include tampering and accidental
destruction. Tampering with data in computer systems is
analogous to active wiretapping on communication
channels. Accidental destruction refers to the
unintentional overwriting or deletion of data. Norton
Utilities has been a great help in this area.
Computer systems are also vulnerable to another problem:
masquerading or spoofing. If an intruder can gain
access to a system under another users account, he has
access to all the information within that users domain.
Digital signatures provide a means to authenticate users
and processes.
Security is directly related to the difficulty assoc-
iated with the inverting encryption transformation(s) of
a cryptosystem. The protection afforded by the
encryption procedure can be evaluated by the uncertainty
facing an opponent in determining the permissible keys
used. Shannon [SHAN] characterized a system that has
perfect security with the following property: if an
opponent knows E (the encryption transformation) and has
an arbitrary amount of cipher, he/she is still left with
a choice between all messages from the message space
when attempting to recover the corresponding plaintext
for some ciphertext.
Let Pc(M) be the probability that a message M was sent
given that C was received, with C = E(M).
Perfect security is defined as:
Pc(M) = P(M)
where P(M) is the probability that message M will occur.
Let Pm(C) be the probability of receiving ciphertext C
given that M was sent. Then Pm(C) is the sum of the
probabilities P(K) of the keys that encipher M as C:
Pm(C) = d P(K)
K,Ek(M) = C
where the bold K means across the space of keyspace K.
Usually there will only be one key K that satisfies
Ek(M) = C
A necessary and sufficient condition for perfect secrecy
is that for every C,
Pm(C) = P(C)
This means that the probability of receiving ciphertext
C is independent of encrypting it with plaintext M.
Perfect secrecy can only be assured if the length of the
key is as long as the message sent, and the cardinality
of the key space is the same as that of the message
space. These conditions ensure that the uncertainty of
the key and cipher are maintained and maximized.
Ciphers that could not be shown to have perfect secrecy
but did not disclose sufficient information to allow the
key to be determined, Shannon called ideally secret. By
not revealing more information than the unicity
distance, these systems were effectively unbreakable.
The opponent is faced with at least as much uncertainty
with respect to the message as he is with the key. The
only system that fits this definition is the one time
pad. The key used is a non-repeating stream of random
bits, and is discarded after each transmission. A
separate key is used for each transmission as two
ciphertexts encrypted with the same key could be
correlated. Being in possession of C adds no information
to the task of recovering M = Dk(C). Systems based on
Shannon's equivocation are unconditionally secure,
meaning the system will resist cryptanalysis even in the
presence of infinite computing power. The security of
the system is derived from statistical uncertainty. If
Hc(K), the entropy of the key, never approach zero for
any message length, then the cipher is considered
unconditionally secure.
Shannon assumed in devising his perfect ciphers that
opponents has access to unlimited computing power. It is
far from unreasonable though, to believe that any single
opponent, or cartel of opponents, except NSA, is in
possession of inexhaustible computing resources. Such
security measures as warranted by Shannon would appear
excessive, for what they are guarding against is not a
tangible threat. Modern cryptosystems look beyond
uncertainty and unicity distances to establish a basis
of security and, in particular, the work factor, the
ratio of the complexity of cryptanalyzing a system to
decryption, is taken as a strong indication of a
system's security. Security can be cited in terms of the
number of person/computer years needed to break the
system. The subtle distinction can be drawn between
perfect secrecy and cryptosecrecy, the first being
asymptotically defined while the latter appeals to the
concept of intractability. There does really exist a
general method to prove a cryptosystem is cryptosecure.
Designers have come to rely upon certification by
cryptanalysts, who with considerable zest attempt to
compromise the system using ad hoc and heuristic
measures, as an indication of a system's security.
History has repeatedly shown that systems purported to
be unbreakable by their inventors were demonstrated to
be far less secure than thought after being scrutinized
by cryptanalysts.
We have described the four basic attacks on a
cryptosystem. The systems security does not depend on
the concealment of its encryption transformation or
algorithm. Kerchkhoff's principle provides that the
algorithm is available for all to examine and study.
When E is revealed, a very difficult or inefficient
method is also revealed to compute the inverse of E.
Given the ciphertext C, the cryptanalyst can examine the
message space exhaustively until M is found such that
E(M) = C. This method is also called brute force.
Whenever a key of finite length is employed, it can
always be compromised by direct search methods. The
success of such an attack depends upon the work factor
associated with the cipher, i.e. the minimal number of
computations needed to invert the system. It should be
noted that the unicity distance indicates the number of
characters needed to determine the key, but it makes no
comment on the complexity of this task. A system can
disclose more ciphertext than its unicity distance
considers safe but still may remain cryptosecure.
A system is considered computationally secure if the
task of inverting E is computationally infeasible or
intractable. You might recognize this as similar to
the properties of NP (Non deterministic polynomial)
Information theory measures the amount of information in
a message by the average number of bits (binary digits
in 0, and 1's for a computer) needed to encode all
possible messages in an optimal encoding. For example
the Sex field in a personnel database, contains only one
bit of information because a 0 can represent a Male and
a 1 can represent a Female. We could spell the words out
, take up more space, but not yield more information. In
computer systems, programs and text files are usually
encoded in 8-bit ASCII codes, regardless of the amount
of information in them. Furthermore, text files can be
compressed by about 40% without losing any information.
The amount of information in a message is formally
measured by the entropy of the message. The entropy is a
function of the probability distribution over the set of
all possible messages.
Let X1, ..., Xn be n possible messages occurring with
probabilities of p(X1),......p(Xn), where:
d p(Xi) = 1
The entropy of a given message is defined by the
weighted average:
H(x) = - d p(Xi) log2 p(Xi)
If we write this sum over all messages X:
H(x) = - d p(X) log2 [-----]
X p(X)
In the example above, with the p(male) = p(female) = 1/2
H(X) = 1/2 log2 (2) + 1/2 log2 (2) = 1/2 + 1/2 =1
which confirms our observation that only 1 bit of
information is required in the sex field of the
Intuitively, each term log2 ( 1/p(X) ) represents the
number of bits needed to encode message X in an optimal
encoding - that is it minimizes the expected number of
bits transmitted over a channel. The weighted average
H(X) gives the expected number of bits in the optimally
encoded message.
Because 1/p(X) decreases as p(X) increases, an optimal
encoding uses short codes for frequently occurring
messages at the expense of using longer ones for
infrequent messages. Morse code applies this principle.
The most frequent letters use the shortest codes.
The entropy of a message H(M), also measures its
uncertainty, in that it indicates the number of bits of
information that must be required to recover a message
distorted by a noisy channel or concealed through
ciphers. The uncertainty of a message cannot exceed
log2n bits, where n is the possible number of messages.
The rate of language for messages of length k is defined
r = H(X)/k
which denotes the average number of bits of information
in each character. For English, when k is large, r has
been estimated to lie between 1.0 bits/letter and 1.5
bits/letter. The absolute rate of a language is the
maximum number of bits of information that could be
encoded in each character assuming all combinations of
characters are equally likely. If there are K letters
in the language, then the absolute rate is given by
R = log2K
which is the maximum entropy of the individual
characters. For English, this is 4.7 bits/letter. The
actual rate of English (3.2 bits/letter) is much less as
it is highly redundant, like all natural languages.
Redundancy stems from the underlying structure of a
language, in particular certain letter and combinations
of letter occur frequently, while others have a
negligible likelyhood of occurring (e.g. the letters
E, T, A, I, N and O occur very frequently, as do digrams
TH and EN, while Z and X are infrequent). The redundancy
of a language with rate r is defined as D = R - r. When
r =1 and R = 4.7, the ratio D/R shows that English is
about 79% redundant!
We note that the more redundant a language is, the
stronger the statistical relations between the letters
in a sequence. On the other hand, if a language has no
redundancy then occurrences of subsequent letters are
statistically independent.
We can easily calculate the entropy of a single letter
H1(M). Also the entropy H2(M) of two-letter words can be
found relatively easily. Unfortunately, the amount of
calculation for Hn(M) grows exponentially as a function
of n. The practical redundancy of a language is
expressed as:
rl = limit Hn(M)/n
n ->l
l = infinity
Equivocation, defined as the conditional entropy of
message M given that ciphertext C has occurred, is:
_ _
| 1 |
Hc(M) = d P(C) d Pc (M) log2 | ---- |
C M |_ Pc(M) _|
where Pc(M) is the conditional probability of message M
given ciphertext C has occurred. Shannon measured the
secrecy of a cipher with respect to its key
equivocation, Hc(K); for ciphertext C and key K, it may
be interpreted as the degree of uncertainty in K given
C, and expressed as;
_ _
| 1 |
Hc(K) = d P(C) d Pc (K) log2 | ---- |
C K |_ Pc(K) _|
where Pc(K) is the probability of K given C. If Hc(K) is
zero then there is no uncertainty in the cipher, making
it unbreakable.
The unicity distance of a cipher is defined as the
minimum message length that forces Hc(K) to approximate
zero. So, the unicity distance of a cipher is the
amount of ciphertext needed to uniquely determine the
key. Intuitively, as the length of the ciphertext
increases, the equivocation of the cipher decreases.
Seberry presents an interesting discussion of the
equivocation of a simple cryptographic system. [SEBE]
The results show that the calculation of equivocation
become more complex as the number of messages and keys
grow. She shows that the unicity distance of a cipher
may be calculated or estimated, but, unfortunately, we
may not be able to use this knowledge to break the
cipher. Based on unicity, she divides all ciphers into
two classes:
o the class of ciphers whose unicity distances exist
and are finite;
o the class of ciphers whose unicity distances are
infinite. Ciphers of this class are unbreakable
(so-called ideal ciphers).
Shannon defined the unicity distance of a cipher in
order to be able to get some quantitative measure of:
1. the security of the cipher (if the unicity distance
of a code is small then the cipher is insecure); and
2. an indication of the amount of ciphertext, N needed
to break the cipher.
It is given by:
N w ------
where D is the redundancy of the language (3.2 bits per
letter for English) and H(K) is the information content
of the key.
A product cipher E is the composition of t functions
(ciphers) F1,...,Ft where each Fi may be a substitution
or a transposition. Rotor machines are product ciphers,
where Fi is implemented by rotor Ri, 1s i s t. See
Lectures 21 and 22.
The famous ENIGMA (Lecture 9) machine used by Germany,
Japan, and their allies were of the multiple rotor type.
A variation, the Hagelin machine was used extensively by
diplomatic posts for many years. [KAHN]
These machines use symmetric algorithms - the same
secret key must be known to both the sender and
Shannon proposed composing different kinds of functions
to create "mixing transformations", which randomly
distribute the meaningful messages uniformly over the
set of all possible cipher text messages. [SHAN]
Mixing transformations could be created, for example, by
applying a transposition followed by an alternating
sequence of substitutions and simple linear operations.
An algorithm (formal set of mathematical procedures or
steps to accomplish a goal) embodying this approach was
known as LUCIFER and was designed by IBM in the early
'70's. LUCIFER used a transformation that alternately
applied substitutions and transpositions. Figure 23-1
shows how the principle works with some small blocks (in
practice much longer blocks are used.) Figure 23-1 gives
a minute illustration of how substitutions and then
permutation may be used to encipher using involutions
only. The first three letters are substituted by
removing one to the right in the alphabet and the second
three letters are moved two to the right.
This can be deciphered by reversing the order of the
operations and applying the inverse of each substitution
and permutation.
Figure 23-1
Involution Example
S1 B C D F G H
P1 H F G C D B
S2 I G H E F D
P2 G I E H D F
We define an Iterated Cryptosystem as part of a family
of cryptographically strong functions based on iterating
a weaker function n times. Each iteration is called a
round and the cryptosystem is called a n-round
cryptosystem. The round-function is a function of output
of the previous round and a sub-key which is a key
dependent value calculated via a key-scheduling
algorithm. The round-function is usually based on lookup
tables (also known as S Boxes), bit permutations,
arithmetic operations and the exclusive-or operation
(usually denoted in most texts by a circle with a plus
sign in it - in my ASCII lecture I will use an alt-241
character (q) enclosed in parentheses to mean the
exclusive-or operation.)
LUCIFER was introduced in section 8. The round-function
of LUCIFER has a combination of non-linear S boxes and a
bit permutation. The input bits are divided into groups
of four consecutive bits. Each group is translated by a
reversible S box giving a four bit result. The output
bits of all the S boxes are permuted in order to mix
them when they become input to the following round. In
LUCIFER only two fixed S boxes (S0 and S1) were chosen.
Each S box can be used at any S box location and the
choice is key dependent. For a block size of 128 bits
and a 16 round cryptosystem there are 512 S box entries
for which 512 key bits are needed (for the eight round
variants 256 key bits are needed). A key expansion
algorithm that repeats each key bit four times reduces
the key size to 128 bits. Decryption is accomplished by
running the data backwards using the inverse of each S
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is an improved
version of LUCIFER. DES is not, as my HAZMAT friend
suggests " a synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol used
as a growth stimulant in food animals. Residues in meat
are thought to be carcinogenic."
DES is based on concepts described in Sections 1-9. It
was developed by IBM, scrutinized by NSA, and adopted by
the U.S. National Bureau of Standards (NBS) in 1977. For
a time it was the de-facto world encryption standard.
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a mathematical
algorithm used for the cryptographic protection of
computer data. The algorithm is designed for use with
binary-coded data and uses a 64-bit key to encipher 64
bits of information. The 64-bit key is of prime
importance since a unique key results in the crypto-
graphic generation of a unique set of 64-bits of
cipher text from 64 bits of plain text. Since the
algorithm is known to the general public, the
cryptographic security of the DES is dependent on the
security used to protect the key. Encrypted information
can be transformed into the original plain text through
a reversal of the algorithm process using the same key
that was employed for encryption.
The Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA) was designed so that
56 bits of the 64 bit key are used for the encryption
process and the remaining 8 bits are used only for
parity error-detecting bits. The key is divided into
eight 8-bit bytes (8 bits = 1 byte). In an 8-bit byte, 7
bits are used by the algorithm and the eight bit can be
used to maintain odd parity. From a complete 64-bit
block of plain text enciphered with a 56-bit key.
DEA incorporates the following steps to encipher a 64-
bit message (block of data) using a 64-bit key:
1. A transposition operation, referred to as the initial
permutation (IP). This transposition does not use the
64-bit key and operates solely on the 64 data bits.
2. A complex key-dependent product transformation that
uses block ciphering to increase the number of
substitution and reordering patterns.
3. A final transposition operation, referred to as the
inverse initial permutation (IP-1), which is an
actual reversal of the transformation performed in
the first step.
Figure 23-2
Overview of Enciphering process
Plaintext [ 64 data bits ] Input
3 Initial Permutation, IP3
Standard |
Data |
Encryption |
3 Product 3
DEA 3 Transformation 3
3 Inverse Initial 3
3 Permutation 3
3 IP -1 3
Ciphertext [ 64 data bits ] Output
The three major steps for DEA are shown in Figure 23-2.
The IP and IP-1, are simple bit transpositions; the
product transformation is fairly complex. Product
transformations are successive applications of
substitution and transposition ciphers. Large blocks of
data are transformed as a unit, providing the advantage
of increasing the number of substitution and reordering
patterns. This is also called block ciphering.
In the product ciphering step of DEA, the block cipher
substitutions are under the control of a cipher key
while transpositions are performed according to a fixed
sequence. Figure 23-3 depicts one iteration of the
product transformation, which includes the following
1. The 64-bit block of plaintext is divided into two 32-
bit blocks, denoted by Li and Ri for the left and
right halves, respectively.
2. The rightmost 32 bits of the input block become the
leftmost 32 bits of the output block.
3. The rightmost 32 bits of the input block, Ri-1, goes
through a selection process yielding 48-bit data
block. This is a fixed selection and is it not key
dependent. We call this an expansion permutation.
4. The 64-bit key is used to generate a 48-bit subkey
Kn, where 1 s n s 16. Each Ki is unique and
corresponds to the ith iteration of the product
5. The 48-bit subkey is added (modulo 2) to the output
of step 3 yielding a 48-bit result. This is also
called XORed (q).
6. The 48-bit output of step 5 is divided into eight 6-
bit groups, that are each subjected to a unique
substitution cipher that yields eight 4-bit groups,
that are concatenated to form a 32-bit output.
7. The 32-bit output of step 6 is permuted by simple
transposition to produce a 32-bit block.
8. The 32-bit output of step 7 is added modulo 2 to the
left-most 32 bits of the input block, denoted Li-1,
yielding Ri, which is the rightmost 32 bits of the
64-bit output block.
Steps 1 - 8 are repeated 16 times; this constitutes the
major part of the product transformation. The last step
is a block transformation (i.e. exchange) of the left
and right halves of the output of the last iteration.
The deciphering process is the exact reversal of the
encipherment process, in reverse order, K16 to K1.
Figure 23-3
One Iteration of DEA
3 Li-1 3 3 Ri-1 3
1,2,3 ..3 32 1,2,3 ...3 32
3 3
3 3
3 q3<-------3 f3<-------- o
3- 3---------------------o
3 3 3 3
3 Li = Ri-1 3 3 Ri=Li-1(q)f(Ri-1,K1)3
1,2,3 ..3 32 1,2,3 ... 3 32
3 3
~ ~
Lets dissect the algorithm:
There are 6 components that make up the DEA:
1. The key schedule calculations, which generate 16
2. The XOR or modulo-2 addition [we use alt241 to
represent this (q)],
3. The cipher function, which comprises the main
operations in the product transformation,
4. The block transposition that yields the "preoutput
block" which serves as input to the inverse initial
5. The initial permutation described as a selection
6. The inverse initial permutation described as a
selection table.
The key schedule calculations generate 16 subkeys,
referred to as Kn, required for enciphering and
deciphering processes. Each Kn is 48 bits long and is
derived through the use of permutation, selection, and
shifting operations.
The bits are numbered 1 - 64, going from left to right.
Parity bits are numbered 8,16,24,32,40,48,56, and 64
leaving the following bits for key schedule
1 through 7
9 through 15
17 through 23
25 through 31
33 through 39
49 through 55
57 through 63
The key schedule calculations are executed as follows:
1. The non-parity bits in the key go through a
permutation operation yielding two 28 bit blocks
denoted by C0 and D0. This is the starting point for
computing the subkeys.
2. C0 and D0 are circularly left shifted one place
yielding C1 and D1
3. Selected bits from C1 and D1 are tapped off yielding
subkey K1.
4. C1 and D1 are circularly left shifted one place
yielding C2 and D2
5. Selected bits from C2 and D2 are tapped off yielding
subkey K2.
6. The process continues for subkeys K3 through K16.
Each Ci and Di is obtained from the preceding value
after a prescribed number of circular left shifts.
The key schedule calculations are summarized in Figure
23-4. Each subkey, denoted by Ki, is obtained through a
selection operation from Ci and Di. Ci and Di are
obtained from Ci-1 and Di-1, respectively, through
prescribed shift operations.
Figure 23-4
Key Schedule Calculations
[64-bit Key]
(permuted choice 1)
3 C0 3 3 D0 3
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 1 place] shift 1 place]
| |
3 C1 3 3 D1 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2)
| | @DD>K1
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 1 place] shift 1 place]
| |
3 C2 3 3 D2 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2)
| | @DD>K2
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 2 places] shift 2 places]
| |
3 C3 3 3 D3 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2)
| | @DD>K3
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 2 places] shift 2 places]
| |
3 C4 3 3 D4 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2)
| | @DD>K4
| |
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 2 places] shift 2 places]
| |
3 C5 3 3 D5 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2)
| | @DD>K5
| |
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 2 places] shift 2 places]
| |
3 C6 3 3 D6 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2)
| | @DD>K6
| |
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 2 places] shift 2 places]
| |
3 C7 3 3 D7 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2)
| | @DD>K7
| |
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 2 places] shift 2 places]
| |
3 C8 3 3 D8 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2)
| | @DD>K8
| |
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 1 place ] shift 1 place ]
| |
3 C9 3 3 D9 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2)
| | @DD>K9
| |
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 2 places] shift 2 places]
| |
3 C10 3 3 D10 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2 )
| | @DD>K10
| |
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 2 places] shift 2 places]
| |
3 C11 3 3 D11 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2 )
| | @DD>K11
| |
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 2 places] shift 2 places]
| |
3 C12 3 3 D12 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2 )
| | @DD>K12
| |
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 2 places] shift 2 places]
| |
3 C13 3 3 D13 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2 )
| | @DD>K13
| |
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 2 places] shift 2 places]
| |
3 C14 3 3 D14 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2 )
| | @DD>K14
| |
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 2 places] shift 2 places]
| |
3 C15 3 3 D15 3
| | | |
| -------------------------|-------->(permuted
| | choice 2 )
| | @DD>K15
| |
| |
[circular left [circular left
shift 1 place ] shift 1 place ]
| |
3 C16 3 3 D16 3
| |
choice 2 )
Initially CO and DO are obtained from the 64-bit key
through the use of permuted choice 1, which is
summarized in Table 23-1.
Figure 23-5
Permuted Choice 1
to calculate C0 & D0
[ cipher key (64-bits ]
1 2 3 ... | 63 64
| |
| leftmost rightmost |
| bits bits |
(permuted choice 1)
| |
57 49 41 33 25 17 9 63 55 47 39 31 23 15
1 58 50 42 34 26 18 7 62 54 46 38 30 22
10 2 59 51 43 35 27 14 6 61 53 45 37 29
19 11 3 60 52 44 36 21 13 5 28 20 12 4
| |
| |
[ CO (28 bits) ] [ D0 (28 bits) ]
1 2 3 27 28 1 2 3 27 28
The cipher key active bits used to determine C0 are
57,49...36 etc. Similarly, the bits of D0 are
respectively bits 63,55..4 of the cipher key.
Permuted choice 2 is used to select a particular key Kn
from the concatenation of Cn and Dn. Cn and Dn are 28
bits long so that CnDn combined has bits that run from
Figure 23-6
( Compression Permutation )
Permuted Choice 2
calculation of subkey Ki
<- 56 bits ->
<- 28 bits -> | <- 28 bits ->
| Ci | Di |
1 2 3 .. 55 56
| |
14 17 11 24 1 5
3 28 15 6 21 10
23 19 12 4 26 8
16 7 27 20 13 2
41 52 31 37 47 55
30 40 51 45 33 48
44 49 39 56 34 53
46 42 50 36 29 32
[ Ki ]
1 2 3 48
<-48 bits->
The number of circular left shifts for each iteration in
the key schedule calculation are:
Iteration # of circular left shifts
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 2
5 2
6 2
7 2
8 2
9 1
10 2
11 2
12 2
13 2
14 2
15 2
16 1
A bit-by-bit addition modular 2 operation is used in
many steps of DEA; We denote it by q and define it as
q 0 0
0 | 0 1
1 | 1 0
so for example: 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
q 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
= 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
The cipher function comprises the main operations in the
product transformation, f(A,Kn) where A is a string of
32 data bits representing Ri for encryption or Li for
decryption, and Kn is a 48 bit subkey determined by the
key schedule.
The cipher function combines the following operations:
1. A selection operation E that operates on the argument
A of 32 bits and produces a 48 bit result.
2. A XOR addition which adds the result of the selection
operation E and the 48 bit key Kn on a bit by bit
basis yielding a 48 bit results.
3. A unique set of selection functions Si that converts
the 48 bit result of step 2 to a set of 32 bits.
4. A permutation operation P that operates on the result
of step 3 and produces a 32 bit result.
Figure 23-7
Cipher Function
<-32 bits->
[ A ]
<-48 bits-> <-48 bits->
[ result ] [ Kn ]
3 3
3 3
3 Si 3
3 S Box 3
<-32 bits-> <-32 bits->
[ A ] [ result ]
( f(A, Kn )
<- 32 bits ->
The selection function E, in Figure 23-8, yields a 48-
bit result wherein the bits of the result are
respectively 32,1,2,...1,.etc of the symbolic argument
A which may represent Ri or Li depending on the
Figure 23-8
E Operation
(Expansion Permutation)
< -32 bits - >
[ A ]
32 1 2 3 4 5
4 5 6 7 8 9
8 9 10 11 12 13
12 13 14 15 16 17
16 17 18 19 20 21
20 21 22 23 24 25
24 25 26 27 28 29
28 29 30 31 32 1
[ E result ]
<- 48 bits ->
The unique set of selection functions Si take a 6-bit
block as input and yield a 4 bit result. A selection
function represented by a 4 X 16 matrix of numbers used
in a prescribed manner.
Input to the unique S Boxes 1-8 (selection functions Si)
is a 48-bit block, denoted symbolically as
Each Bi contains 8 bits. S1 is used for B1, etc.
The result of the selection of Si with Bi as an argument
Si(Bi) is computed:
1. The first and lasts bits of Bi represent a binary
number in the range of 0 - 3 denoted m.
2. The middle four bits of Bi represent a binary number
in the range of 0 - 15 denoted n.
3. Using zero-origin indexing, the number located in the
mth row and nth column of the Si's matrix is selected
as a four bit binary block.
4. The result of step 3 is the output of the selection
function Si.
The output of a complete set of selection functions, is
a bit string IS:
each of the Si's are 4 bit outputs.
For example:
Input to S1
1 0 1 1 0 0
= 6
use row 2, column 6 of S1
Table 23-1 gives the matrices corresponding to the
selection function S1 through S8.
Table 23-1
Matrices for the Selection functions S1 through S8
14 4 13 1 2 15 11 8 3 10 6 12 5 9 0 7
0 15 7 4 14 2 13 1 10 6 12 11 9 5 3 8
4 1 14 8 13 6 2 11 15 12 9 7 3 10 5 0
15 12 8 2 4 9 1 7 5 11 3 14 10 0 6 13
15 1 8 14 6 11 3 4 9 7 2 13 12 0 5 10
3 13 4 7 15 2 8 14 12 0 1 10 6 9 11 5
0 14 7 11 10 4 13 1 5 8 12 6 9 3 2 15
13 8 10 1 3 15 4 2 11 6 7 12 0 5 14 9
10 0 9 14 6 3 15 5 1 13 12 7 11 4 2 8
13 7 0 9 3 4 6 10 2 8 5 14 12 11 15 1
13 6 4 9 8 15 3 0 11 1 2 12 5 10 14 7
1 10 13 0 6 9 8 7 4 15 14 3 11 5 2 12
7 13 14 3 0 6 9 10 1 2 8 5 11 12 4 15
13 8 11 5 6 15 0 3 4 7 2 12 1 10 14 9
10 6 9 0 12 11 7 13 15 1 3 14 5 2 8 4
3 15 0 6 10 1 13 8 9 4 5 11 12 7 2 14
2 12 4 1 7 10 11 6 8 5 3 15 13 0 14 9
14 11 2 12 4 7 13 1 5 0 15 10 3 9 8 6
4 2 1 11 10 13 7 8 15 9 12 5 6 3 0 14
11 8 12 7 1 14 2 13 6 15 0 9 10 4 5 3
12 1 10 15 9 2 6 8 0 13 3 4 14 7 5 11
10 15 4 2 7 12 9 5 6 1 13 14 0 11 3 8
9 14 15 5 2 8 12 3 7 0 4 10 1 13 11 6
4 3 2 12 9 5 15 10 11 14 1 7 6 0 8 13
4 11 2 14 15 0 8 13 3 12 9 7 5 10 6 1
13 0 11 7 4 9 1 10 14 3 5 12 2 15 8 6
1 4 11 13 12 3 7 14 10 15 6 8 0 5 9 2
6 11 13 8 1 4 10 7 9 5 0 15 14 2 3 12
13 2 8 4 6 15 11 1 10 9 3 14 5 0 12 7
1 15 13 8 10 3 7 4 12 5 6 11 0 14 9 2
7 11 4 1 9 12 14 2 0 6 10 13 15 3 5 8
2 1 14 7 4 10 8 13 15 12 9 0 3 5 6 11
The output of the set of eight selection functions, S1
through S8 is a string of 32 bits. This 32-bit output
goes through a permutation operation P which yields a
32-bit result and completes the cipher function. P does
not complete the algorithm, but only the cipher function
denoted by f(A, Kn). This final permutation in the
cipher function is given in Figure 23-9. The permutation
operation P yields a 32-bit result wherein the bits of
the result are 16, 7, ... etc of the 32-bit result of
the set of selection functions.
Figure 23-9
P Operation
Permutation Operation P of the Cipher Function
Output of Selection Functions
< -32 bits - >
[ A ]
16 7 20 21
29 12 28 17
1 15 23 26
5 18 31 10
2 8 24 14
32 27 3 9
19 13 30 6
22 11 4 25
[ Result of Cipher Function ]
<- 32 bits ->
The output of the last iteration in the product
transformation goes through a block transformation
yielding a 64-bit result called the preoutput block. See
Figure 23-10. It is a simple exchange of R16 and L16.
The bits of R16 are followed by the bits of L16 and
constitutes a 64-bit block, with bits numbered from 1 -
64 from left to right.
Figure 23-10
Preoutput Block
<- 32 bits -> <- 32 bits ->
[ L16 ] [ R16 ] Output
|........................| Cipher
(Block Transformation)
[ R16 | L16 ] block
<-- 64 bits -->
18. IP
The initial permutation is the first step in the
standard data encryption algorithm and is a key-
independent permutation as shown in Figure 23-11.
The output of the IP are respectively, bits 58, 50,...2
etc. of the plain text input to the block. The result of
the IP is a 64-bit block. The leftmost 32 bits
constitute L0 and the rightmost 32 bits constitute R0.
L0 and R0 are the initial input blocks to the product
Figure 23-11
<-- 64 bits -->
[ Plain Text Input ]
1,2,3.. 63,64
58 50 42 34 26 18 10 2
60 52 44 36 28 20 12 4
62 54 46 38 30 22 14 6
64 56 48 40 32 24 16 8 IP
57 49 41 33 25 17 9 1 matrix
59 51 43 35 27 19 11 3
61 53 45 37 29 21 13 5
63 55 47 39 31 23 15 7
<-- 64 bits --> Result of
[ Plain Text Input ] IP
1,2,3.. 63,64
| |
<- 32 bits -> <- 32 bits ->
[ L0 ] [ R0 ]
1,2,3..... 32 33,34..... 64
>> Input to cipher function
The output of the product transformation is the
preoutput block, which is subjected to a permutation
which is the inverse of the IP. The IP-1 is shown in
Figure 23-12. The output of IP-1, which is synonymously,
the cipher text output of the algorithm, is bits 40,
8...to 25 of the preoutput block.
The 64-bit cipher text output of the DEA can be used as
a string of data bits for transmission or storage, or
may be converted back into BCD characters for further
Figure 23-12
<-- 64 bits -->
[ Preoutput Block ]
1,2,3.......... 63,64
40 8 48 16 56 24 64 32
39 7 47 15 55 23 63 31
38 6 46 14 54 22 62 30
37 5 45 13 53 21 61 29 IP-1
36 4 44 12 52 20 60 28 matrix
35 3 43 11 51 19 59 27
34 2 42 10 50 18 58 26
33 1 41 9 49 17 57 25
<-- 64 bits --> Result of
[ Cipher Text ] IP-1
1,2,3.. 63,64
The enciphering process can be summarized symbolically.
Given two blocks L and R and using the convention that
LR denotes the block consisting of bits of L followed by
bits of R, the initial permutation (IP) is specified as:
L0R0 <--- IP (<64-bit input block>)
Let KS denote the key schedule calculations, where the
function KS yields a 48-bit subkey Kn for arguments n
and KEY, where Key is a 64-bit cipher key, it follows
Kn <-- KS(n, KEY)
denotes the calculation of subkey Kn.
The 16 iterations in the product transformation that
use the cipher function are then represented
symbolically as:
Ln <-- Rn-1
Rn <-- Ln-1 (q) f(Rn-1, Kn)
(where: alt 241 = (q) is the symbol for XOR w/o the
circle around it as published elsewhere. XOR denotes a
bit-by-bit modulo-2 addition.)
and f is the cipher function. Ln and Rn are computed as
n goes from 1 -16. The preoutput block is R16L16 and the
result of the DEA is specified as:
<64-bit cipher text> <-- IP-1 (R16L16)
The process of deciphering a 64-bit ciphertext message
block involves the same algorithm as encipherment, as
stated in FIPS publication 46 (Data Encryption
Standard, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau
of Standards, FIPS publication 46, 1977 January 15,
.....to decipher it is only necessary to apply the
very same algorithm to an enciphered message block,
taking care that at each iteration of the computation
the same block of key bits K is used during decipher-
ment as was used during the encipherment of the block.
This is precisely the case because the IP and IP-1 are
by definition inverses of each other.
Applying the notation given above, the result of the
initial permutation (IP) is:
R16L16 <-- IP(<64-bit cipher text>)
where the expression takes the final block
transformation into consideration. The 16 iterations in
the product transformation are represented:
Rn-1 <-- Ln
Ln-1 <-- Rn (q) f(Ln,Kn)
where the Ln and Rn are computed as n goes from 16 - 1.
The result of the decipherment is then specified:
<64-bit plain text> <-- IP-1 (L0R0)
Both Katzan and Meyer present detailed (and I mean
detailed - both encipherment and decipherment) examples
of DES. [KATZ], [MEYE] All the references cited
previously give examples of DES in varying levels of
We have seen that in the E operation (expansion
permutation) the right half of the data Ri is expanded
from 32 bits to 48 bits. Because this operation changes
the order of the bits as well as repeating certain bits,
it is a true expansion permutation. This operation has
two purposes: it makes the result the same size as the
key for the XOR operation, and it provides a longer
result that can be compressed during the substitution
Neither of those is its main cryptographic purpose,
though. By allowing one bit to affect two substitutions,
the dependency of the output bits on the input bits
spreads faster. This is called the avalanche criteria.
Much of DES's design revolves around reaching as quickly
as possible the condition of having every bit of the
ciphertext depend on every bit of the plaintext and
every bit of the key. Meyer and Matyas and Konheim
discuss this principle in detail. [MEYE], [KONH] Meyer
notes that statistical output dependency is reached
after just five rounds of DES. [MEYE] Konheim's data
suggests eight rounds are required to reach full output
dependency of the data.
DES can be used for encryption in several officially
defined modes. Some are more secure than others. ECB
(electronic codebook) mode simply encrypts each 64-bit
block of plaintext one after another under the same 56-
bit DES key. In CBC (cipher block chaining) mode, each
64-bit plaintext block is XORed with the previous
ciphertext block before being encrypted with the DES
key. Thus the encryption of each block depends on
previous blocks and the same 64-bit plaintext block can
encrypt to different ciphertext depending on its context
in the overall message. CBC mode helps protect against
certain attacks, although not against exhaustive search
or differential cryptanalysis. CFB (cipher feedback)
mode allows one to use DES with block lengths less than
64 bits. Detailed descriptions of the various DES modes
can be found in [SCH2]
In practice, CBC is the most widely used mode of DES,
and is specified in several standards. For additional
security, one could use triple encryption with CBC, but
since single DES in CBC mode is usually considered
secure enough, triple encryption is not often used.
As of this writing the recordholder for the fastest DES
chip is a prototype developed at DEC. It supports ECB
and CBC modes and is based on a GaAs gate array of
50,000 transistors. Data can be encrypted and decrypted
at a rate of 1 gigabit per second, which translates to
16.8 million blocks per second. This is impressive!
VLSI's 6868 "gatekeeper chip" performs DES encryption in
only 8 clock cycles or less, but does DES ECB triple
encryption in 25 clock cycles, and the OCB or CBC
triple-DES in 35 clock cycles.
A software implementation of DES on the IBM 3090
mainframe can perform 32,000 DES encryptions per second.
Table 23-2 details some of the commercial DES chips and
computer implementations of DES.
Table 23-2a
Commercial DES Chips
Manufacturer Chip Year Clock Data Rate
AMD Am9518 1981 3 Mhz 1.3 MBytes/s
AMD Am9568 1981 4 Mhz 1.5 MBytes/s
AMD Amz8086 1982 4 MHz 1.7 MBytes/s
ATT T7000A 1985 4 Mhz 1.9 MBytes/s
CE-Infosys C003 1992 20 Mhz 12.5 MBytes/s
CE-Infosys C003a 1994 30 Mhz 20.0 MBytes/s
Cryptech 12C102 1989 20 Mhz 2.8 MBytes/s
Newbridge 20C03a 1991 25 Mhz 3.6 MBytes/s
Newbridge 20C03w 1992 8 Mhz 0.6 MBytes/s
Newbridge 95C68-09 1993 33 Mhz 14.7 MBytes/s
Pijnenburg PCC100 1993 25 Mhz 2.5 MBytes/s
Semaphore 284 1993 40 Mhz 35.5 MBytes/s
VLSI Technology VM007 1993 32 Mhz 200.0 MBytes/s
VLSI Technology VM009 1993 33 Mhz 14.0 MBytes/s
Vlsi Technology 6868 1995 32 Mhz 64.0 MBytes/s
Western Digital 2001 1984 3 Mhz 0.2 MBytes/s
Table 23-2b
DES Speeds
Processor Speed (MHz) DES Blocks per second
8088 4.7 370
68000 7.6 900
80286 6 1,100
68020 16 3,500
68030 16 3,900
80386 25 5,000
68030 50 10,000
68040 25 16,000
68040 40 23,000
80486 66 43,000
Sun ELC 26,000
HyperSparc 32,000
RS6000-350 53,000
Sparc 10/52 84,000
DEC Alpha -
4000/610 154,000
HP9000/887 125 196,000
DES is a secret-key, symmetric cryptosystem: when used
for communication, both sender and receiver must know
the same secret key, which is used both to encrypt and
decrypt the message. DES can also be used for single-
user encryption, such as to store files on a hard disk
in encrypted form. In a multi-user environment, secure
key distribution may be difficult; public-key crypto-
graphy was invented to solve this problem. DES operates
on 64-bit blocks with a 56-bit key. It was designed to
be implemented in hardware, and its operation is
relatively fast (previous section). It works well for
bulk encryption, that is, for encrypting a large set of
NIST has recertified DES as an official U.S. government
encryption standard every five years; DES was last
recertified in 1993, by default. NIST has indicated,
however, that it may not recertify DES in 1997. Since
NIST has asked for public submissions/comment on
development of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AEC), I
suspect that DES is on its last hurrah.
DES has never been officially been ``broken'', despite
the efforts of many researchers over many years. The
obvious method of attack is brute-force exhaustive
search of the key space; this takes 2^{55} steps on
average. Early on it was suggested that some country
could build a special-purpose computer capable of
breaking DES by exhaustive search in a reasonable amount
of time. Later, Hellman demonstrated a time-memory
trade-off that allows improvement over exhaustive search
if memory space is plentiful, after an exhaustive
precomputation. These ideas fostered doubts about the
security of DES. There were accusations that the NSA
had intentionally weakened DES. Despite these
suspicions, no feasible way to break DES faster than
exhaustive search was discovered. in 1991, the cost of a
specialized computer to perform exhaustive search was
estimated by Wiener at one million dollars. In 1997
dollars and technology, this figure is closer to
$100,000, a figure well within a small corporation's
The first attack on DES that is better than exhaustive
search was announced by Eli Biham and Adi Shamir using a
new technique known as differential cryptanalysis. This
attack requires encryption of 2^{47} chosen plaintexts,
i.e., plaintexts chosen by the attacker. Although a
theoretical breakthrough, this attack is not practical
under normal circumstances because it requires the
attacker to have easy access to the DES device in order
to encrypt the chosen plaintexts. Another attack, known
as linear cryptanalysis, does not require chosen
plaintexts. Both of these attacks are described in
Schneier's book. [SCH2], [RSA2]
The consensus is that DES, when used properly, is secure
against all but the most powerful players. In fact,
triple encryption DES may be secure against anyone at
all. Biham and Shamir have stated that they consider DES
secure. It is used extensively in a wide variety of
cryptographic systems, and in fact, most implementations
of public-key cryptography include DES at some level.
How secure is DES today? Tough question. If we consider
just key length, a brute-force DES-cracking machine can
find a key in an average of 3.5 hours in 1993. This
figure has been reduced by an order of magnitude in
1996. [NICH]
Winn Scwartau writes that the NSA had built a massively
parallel DES-cracking machine as early as the mid-
1980's. [SCHW] Harris Corporation built a machine using
the Cray Y-MP as a front-end. Supposedly, the problem is
reduced by several orders of magnitude. Both contextual
and statistical attacks can reduce the DES effective key
size. Schneier reports as a "rumor" that NSA routinely
cracks DES in 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the amount of
preprocessing, at a cost of $50,000 per machine! NSA may
also have giant databanks of plain and ciphertext to
perform the statistical calculations on and then go out
to an array of optical disks and retrieve the key.
On Tuesday, 28 January, my machine had just started
cracking when this message came over the net:
January 28, 1997 - Ian Goldberg, a UC Berkeley graduate
student, announced today that he had successfully
cracked RSA Data Security Inc.'s 40-bit challenge cipher
in just under 3.5 hours.
RSA challenged scientists to break their encryption
technology, offering a $1000 award for breaking the
weakest version of the code. Their offering was
designed to stimulate research and practical experience
with the security of today's codes.
The number of bits in a cipher is an indication of the
maximum level of security the cipher can provide. Each
additional bit doubles the potential security level of
the cipher. A recent panel of experts recommended
using 90-bit ciphers, and 128-bit ciphers are commonly
used throughout the world, but US government regulations
restrict exportable US products to a mere 40 bits.
Goldberg's announcement, which came just three and a
half hours after RSA started their contest, provides
very strong evidence that 40-bit ciphers are totally
unsuitable for practical security. "This is the
final proof of what we've known for years: 40-bit
encryption technology is obsolete," Goldberg said.
The US export restrictions have limited the deployment
of technology that could greatly strengthen security on
the Internet, often affecting both foreign and domestic
users. "We know how to build strong encryption; the
government just won't let us deploy it. We need strong
encryption to uphold privacy, maintain security, and
support commerce on the Internet -- these export
restrictions on cryptography must be lifted," Goldberg
explained. Fittingly, when Goldberg finally unscrambled
the challenge message, it read: "This is why you should
use a longer key."
Goldberg used UC Berkeley's Network of Workstations
(known as the NOW) to harness the computational
resources of about 250 idle machines. This allowed
him to test 100 billion possible "keys" per hour --
analogous to safecracking by trying every possible
combination at high speed. This amount of computing
power is available with little overhead cost to students
and employees at many large educational institutions and
Goldberg is a founding member of the ISAAC computer
security research group at UC Berkeley. In the Fall of
1995, the ISAAC group made headlines by revealing a
major security flaw in Netscape's web browser.
On 29 January 1997, Conrad Schlundt reported that
another successful attack on RC5 (40 bit) had been made
by Germano Caronni to the challenge at:
"Some of you may remember my mail calling for CPU power
Tuesday evening. Thank you for all donations. We broke
the challenge, and got the key (F043F18131), and the
message: 'This is why you should use a longer key.'
A group of persons having access to the student clusters
of German and Swiss universities, joined by several
researchers, assistants and other students in the last
minute, collected voluntary access to > 1160 CPUs.
966 different machines were involved. We used these
machines for one evening (local time) to attack the 40
bit challenge of RC5, and succeeded after about 4
The machines that joined in ranged from 486/33 PC's to
Alphas and heavy multiprocessor machines such as 40
processor SUNs and SGIs. A significant fraction of the
whole computing power came from Ultra Sparcs and
At 09:05 AM PST we finally gained access to the RSA DSI
challenge page, and our search took us until 12:54 PM
PST, about 4 hours.
Starting point in the key space was 00 00 00 00 00 and
we had to progress to the MSB of 81, thus we actually
searched half of the key space. 558098542641 keys were
computed in 13798 seconds, this are about 40.4 million
keys per second. An average machine has thus calculated
42000 keys per second. Now, this is not top performance,
especially if you compare it to the performance the
other known contestant (Ian Goldberg) could muster.
[100 mio. keys per second, 3.5 hours to solution].
Due to a severe bug in our server (which I have to say
is entirely my fault), our rate is much lower than the
one possible. We had about 1000 machines at our best
point, and 800 for the sustained attack.
But assume you just get a campus with 150 Ultra Sparc
stations, where each can to 156250 keys per second. Any
student can then crack that 40 bit key in 23812 seconds
(on average), or otherwise said *in one night*. I can't
help but repeat: 40 bit keys are *worse* than no
encryption at all, as they give you a false feeling of
security. "
When using DES, there are several practical consid-
erations that can affect the security of the encrypted
data. One should change DES keys frequently, in order to
prevent attacks that require sustained data analysis. In
a communications context, one must also find a secure
way of communicating the DES key to both sender and
receiver. Use of RSA or some other public-key technique
for key management solves both these issues: a different
DES key is generated for each session, and secure
key management is provided by encrypting the DES key
with the receiver's RSA public key. RSA, in this
circumstance, can be regarded as a tool for improving
the security of DES (or any other secret key cipher).
If one wishes to use DES to encrypt files stored on a
hard disk, it is not feasible to frequently change the
DES keys, as this would entail decrypting and then re-
encrypting all files upon each key change. Instead,
one should have a master DES key with which one encrypts
the list of DES keys used to encrypt the files;
one can then change the master key frequently without
much effort.
A powerful technique for improving the security of DES
is triple encryption, that is, encrypting each message
block under three different DES keys in succession.
Triple encryption is thought to be equivalent to
doubling the key size of DES, to 112 bits, and should
prevent decryption by an enemy capable of single-key
exhaustive search. Of course, using triple-encryption
takes three times as long as single-encryption DES.
It has been frequently asked whether DES encryption is
closed under composition; i.e., is encrypting a
plaintext under one DES key and then encrypting the
result under another key always equivalent to a single
encryption under a single key? Algebraically, is DES a
group? If so, then DES might be weaker than would
otherwise be the case; for a more complete discussion.
However, the answer is no, DES is not a group; this
issue was settled only recently, after many years of
speculation and circumstantial evidence. This result
seems to imply that techniques such as triple encryption
do in fact increase the security of DES. [SCHN], [RSA2]
Export of DES, either in hardware or software, is
strictly regulated by the U.S. State Department and the
NSA. The government rarely approves export of DES,
despite the fact that DES is widely available overseas;
financial institutions and foreign subsidiaries of
U.S. companies are exceptions.
Because of the way the initial key is modified to get a
subkey for each round of the algorithm, certain keys are
weak keys. Since the original DES key is split in half,
and each half is shifted independently, if all the bits
are 0's or 1's, then the key used for any cycle is the
same for all cycles: K1 = K2 = K3 =Ki =Kn. Additionally,
some pairs of keys encrypt plaintext to the identical
ciphertext. This is due to the key generation mechanism
in DES. Instead of generating 16 different subkeys,
these keys generate only two different subkeys. Each of
these subkeys is used eight times in the algorithm. We
label these semi-weak keys. A similar problem occurs
when some keys only produce only four subkeys and used
only four times in the algorithm. These are possibly
weak keys. Before we get uptight and say that DES is
condemned to algorithm Hell, the total number of
possibly weak keys is 64 out of 72,057,594,037,927,936
possible keys. Selecting a random key, the odds of
picking one out of the 64 are worse than winning the
Texas lottery
twice in a month.
Table 23-3
DES Weak Keys in Hex
Weak Key Value Actual Key
(with parity bits)
0101 0101 0101 0101 0000000 0000000
1F1F 1F1F 0E0E 0E0E 0000000 FFFFFFF
E0E0 E0E0 F1F1 F1F1 FFFFFFF 0000000
DES Semiweak Key Pairs
01FE 01FE 01FE 01FE and FE01 FE01 FE01 FE01
1FE0 1FE0 0EF1 0EF1 and E01F E01F F10E F10E
01E0 01E0 01F1 01F1 and E001 E001 F101 F101
011F 011F 010E 010E and 1F01 1F01 0E01 0E01
IBM's original submission to NBS had a 112-bit key. When
DES became a standard, that was reduced to 56 bits.
Hellman presented an argument in 1980 against small key
size: by trading memory space for time, it would be
possible to speed up the searching process. By
computing 2**56 possible results of encrypting a single
plaintext block under every possible key. Then to break
an unknown key. all that would be required would be to
insert the plaintext block into the encryption stream,
recover the resulting ciphertext, and look the key up.
By 1987 hips performing 512,000 encryptions per second
were being developed, and a version capable of checking
over a million keys per second was feasible. In 1993,
Michael Wiener designed a $1 million machine that could
complete a brute-force attack on DES in an average of
3.5 hours. In 1990 Biham and Shamir discovered
differential cryptanalysis, a technique that puts to
rest the question of key length.
Why 16 rounds? After 5 rounds every ciphertext bit is a
function of every plaintext bit and every key bit. After
eight rounds the ciphertext is essentially a random
function of every plaintext bit and key but.
Answer: because it could be broken. Biham and Shamir's
differential cryptanalysis technique works well on every
number of rounds fewer than 16, using a known plaintext
attack. In each case, differential cryptanalysis was
more efficient than a brute force attack.
Schneier presents a detailed discussion of both
differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis.
[SCH2]. [BIHA] is the definitive reference on the
subject of differential cryptanalysis. Both attacks on
DES can be performed in less interations than a brute-
force attack. The subject is fascinating and beyond the
scope of this lecture.
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