Annotated Cryptographic Resources And References
20 MARCH 1997
Revision 3
o Some cipher families are referenced as a group
(ex. [TRAN] for Transposition Ciphers:
Columnar, Incomplete Columnar, Tramp, Skipping
Tramp, etc.)
o The Cryptogram, is the bimonthly publication of
the American Cryptogram Association. These
references are both scholarly and cipher
specific. I have updated them through 1996.
They are available through the ACA Treasurer at
the address in the front of this book or Volume
I of my course.
o Cryptographic resources presented explore all
phases of involvement with cryptography:
cryptanalysis, history, legal, social,
classical, modern, NSA, mathematical
techniques, recreational, intelligence,
tactical, strategic, nuclear, National Defense,
INFOSEC: Offensive and Defensive, Hardware, and
Software. Enjoy.
o Public - Key Cryptography references have
additional annotations and may have some
overlap with reference [NIST90], Lecture 19 on
Law and Lectures 20 - 25 on modern issues
surrounding cryptography. These references
represent state-of the-art 1990 -1993.
o About 100 web links to cryptographic sources
have been added under the section Web Sources.
A wealth of information on all levels is
o Pertinent cases involving cryptographic issues
are cited by primary court.
o Senate and House bills are referenced by year
and number, if appropriate.
[3627] H. R. 3627, "A Bill to Amend the Export
Administration Act of 1979 with respect to the
control of computer and related equipment," 1993.
[ABRA] Abrams, F., 1993, Big Brother's Here and --Alas
-- We Embrace Him, New York Times Magazine, March
21, 1993, pp. 36-37.
[ABA ] American Bankers Association, 1979, Management
and Use of Personal Identification Numbers, ABA
Bank Card Statement, ABA, Catalog No. 207213,
[ACA] ACA and You, "Handbook For Members of the
American Cryptogram Association," ACA
publications, 1995.
[ACA1] Anonymous, "The ACA and You - Handbook For Secure
Communications", American Cryptogram Association,
[ACME] "ACME Complete Seven Figure Code", Acme Code Co.,
507 West 33 rd St., NYC, NY. No 6015, 1 January
[ACLU] Statement of the American Civil Liberties Union
in "Cryptographic Issue Statements Submitted to
the Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory
Board," by NIST, 27 May 1993, pp. 195-199.
[ACM] Association For Computing Machinery, "Codes, Keys
and Conflicts: Issues in U.S. Crypto Policy,"
Report of a Special Panel of ACM U. S. Public
Policy Committee (USACM), June 1994.
[AD79] L. Adleman, "A subexponential algorithm for the
discrete logarithm problem with applications to
Cryptography," in 20th Annual Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science, San Juan, Puerto
Rico, October 29-31, 1979, pp. 55-60. Silver
Spring, MD: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1979.
[AD82] L. M. Adleman, "On breaking the iterated Merkle-
Hellman public-key cryptosystems," in D. Chaum,
R. L. Rivest, and A. T. Sherman, Eds., Advances
in Cryptology: proceedings of CRYPTO 82, a
Workshop on the Theory and Application of
Cryptographic Techniques, Santa Barbara, CA,
August 23-25, 1982,
pp. 303-308. New York: Plenum Press, 1983.
[AD86] L. M. Adleman and K. S. McCurley, "Open problems
in number theoretic complexity," in D. S.
Johnson, T. Nishizeki, A. Nozaki, and H. S.
Wilf, Eds., Discrete Algorithms and Complexity,
proceedings of the Japan-US Joint Seminar, Kyoto,
Japan, June 4- 6, 1986, pp. 237-262. Orlando, FL:
Academic Press, 1987.
[AD83] L. M. Adleman, C. Pomerance, and R. S. Rumely,
"On distinguishing prime numbers from composite
numbers," Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 117, 1983,
pp. 173-206.
[ADFG] ASTROLABE, "ADFGVX Cipher - The German Field
Cipher of 1918," AS53, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1953.
[AFM] - 100-80, Traffic Analysis, Department of the Air
Force, 1946.
[AK83] S. G. Akl, "Digital signatures: a tutorial
survey," Computer, Vol. 16, No. 2, February 1983,
pp. 15-24.
[AK84] S. G. Akl and H. Meijer, "A fast pseudo random
permutation generator with applications to
cryptology," in G. R. Blakley and D. Chaum,
Eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 196:
Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of CRYPTO 84,
a Workshop on the Theory and Application of
Cryptographic Techniques, Santa Barbara, CA,
August 19-22, 1984, pp. 269-275. Berlin/New
York: Springer- Verlag, 1985.
[ALAN] Turing, Alan, "The Enigma", by A. Hodges. Simon
and Schuster, 1983.
[ALBA] Alberti, "Treatise De Cifris," Meister
Papstlichen, Princeton University Press,
Princeton, N.J., 1963.
[ALEX] Alexander, D. A., "Secret codes and Decoding,"
Padell Book Co., New York, 1945.
[ALGE] MINIMAX, "Introduction To Algebraic
Cryptography," FM51, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1951.
[ALKA] al-Kadi, Ibrahim A., Origins of Cryptology: The
Arab Contributions, Cryptologia, Vol XVI, No. 2,
April 1992, pp. 97-127.
[ALP1] PICCOLA, "Lining Up the Alphabets," AM37, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[ALP2] PICCOLA, "Recovering a Primary Number Alphabet,"
JJ37, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1937.
[ALP3] CLEAR SKIES, "Method For Recovering Alphabets,"
AM46, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1946.
[ALP4] PICCOLA, "Lining Up the Alphabets," AM37, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[ALP5] MACHIAVELLI,"Recovery of Incomplete Cipher
Alphabets," SO78, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1978.
[ALP6] BOZO,"Recovery of Primary Alphabets I," JJ35, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[ALP7] BOZO,"Recovery of Primary Alphabets II," AS35,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[ALP8] ZYZZ,"Sinkov - Frequency-Matching," JA93, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[AMS1] RED E RASER,"AMSCO," ON51, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1951.
[AMS2] PHOENIX,"Computer Column: Amsco Encipherment,"
SO84, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1984.
[AMS3] PHOENIX,"Computer Column: Amsco Decipherment,"
MA85, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1985.
[AMS4] PHOENIX,"Computer Column: Amsco Decipherment,"
MJ85, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1985.
[AMS5] PHOENIX,"Computer Column: Amsco Decipherment,"
JA85, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1985.
[AMS6] GUNG HO,"Solving the Amsco," MJ92, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[AN85] American National Standard X9.17-1985, Financial
Institution Key Management (Wholesale), American
Bankers Association, Washington, DC, 1985.
[AN87] M. Annaratone, E. Arnould, T. Gross, H. T. Kung,
M. Lam, O. Menzilcioglu, and J. A. Webb, "The
Warp computer: architecture, implementation and
performance," IEEE Transactions on Computers,
Vol. C-36, No. 12, December 1987, pp. 1523-1538.
[ANDE] D. Andelman, J. Reeds, On the cryptanalysis of
rotor and substitution-permutation networks. IEEE
Trans. on Inform. Theory, 28(4), 578--584, 1982.
[ANDR] Andrew, Christopher, "For The President's Eyes
Only," Harper Collins, New York, 1995.
[ANGL] D. Angluin, D. Lichtenstein, Provable Security in
Crypto-systems: a survey. Yale University,
Department of Computer Science, #288, 1983.
[AND1] Andree, Josephine, "Chips from the Math Log," Mu
Alpha Theta, 1966.
[AND2] Andree, Josephine, "More Chips from the Math
Log," Mu Alpha Theta, 1970.
[AND3] Andree, Josephine, "Lines from the O.U.
Mathematics Letter," Vols. I,II,III, Mu Alpha
Theta, 1971, 1971, 1971.
[AND4] Andree, Josephine and Richard V., "RAJA Books: a
Puzzle Potpourri," RAJA, 1976.
[AND5] Andree, Josephine and Richard V., "Preliminary
Instructors Manual for Solving Ciphers," Project
CRYPTO, Univ of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 1977.
[AND6] Andree, Josephine and Richard V., "Teachers
Handbook For Problem Solving and Logical
Thinking," Project CRYPTO, Univ of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK, 1979.
[AND7] Andree, Josephine and Richard V., "Preliminary
Instructors Manual for Cryptarithms," Project
CRYPTO, Univ of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 1976.
[AND8] Andree, Josephine and Richard V., "Sophisticated
Ciphers: Problem Solving and Logical Thinking,"
Project CRYPTO, Univ of Oklahoma, Norman, OK,
[AND9] Andree, Josephine and Richard V., "Logic Unlocs
Puzzles," Project CRYPTO, Univ of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK, 1979.
[ANDR] Andrew, Christopher, 'Secret Service', Heinemann,
London 1985.
[ANFI] "American National Standard for Financial
Institution Key Management (Wholesale)," ANSI
X9.17, Washington Publishing Company, P.O. Box
203, Chardon, OH 44024-0203, telephone (800) 334-
[ANK1] Andreassen, Karl, "Cryptology and the Personal
Computer, with Programming in Basic," Aegean Park
Press, 1986.
[ANK2] Andreassen, Karl, "Computer Cryptology, Beyond
Decoder Rings," Prentice-Hall 1988.
[ANNA] Anonymous., "The History of the International
Code.", Proceedings of the United States Naval
Institute, 1934.
[ANN1] Anonymous., " Speech and Facsimile Scrambling and
Decoding," Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA,
[AO93] Administrative Office of the United States
Courts, 1993, Report on Applications for Orders
Authorizing or Approving the Interception of
Wire, Oral, or Electronic Communications (Wiretap
Report) 1993.
[ARI1] OZ,"The Construction of Medium - Difficulty
Aristocrats," MA92, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1992.
[ARI2] HELCRYPT,"Use of Consonant Sequences for
Aristocrats," ON51, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1951.
[ARI3] HELCRYPT,"Use of Tri-Vowel Sequences for
Aristocrats," JJ52, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1952.
[ARI4] AB STRUSE, "Equifrequency Crypts," JF74, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[ARI5] HOMO SAPIENS,"End-letter Count for Aristocrats,"
FM45, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1945.
[ARI6] S-Tuck, "Aristocrat Affixes," ON45, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[ARNE] Arnell, A. (1990). "Handbook of Effective
Disaster Recovery Planning: A Seminar Workshop
Approach". McGraw-Hill (New York). ISBN 0-07-
002394-8. xxix + 333. Index.
[ASA ] "The Origin and Development of the Army Security
Agency 1917 -1947," Aegean Park Press, 1978.
Collections 190/37/7/1, Box 799, F: 2292, pp 468.
[ASA1] Army Security Agency (1948) Historical and
Cryptologic Summary of Cryptosystems; ASAG 23;
Vol 1.
[ASSA] Army Signal Security Agency (1946) History Of
Converter M-134-C (Sigaba) Vol I, II And III:
available from the US National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA); NSA Historical
[ASHT] Ashton, Christina, "Codes and Ciphers: Hundreds
of Unusual and Secret Ways to Send Messages,"
Betterway Books, 1988.
[ASIR] Anonymous, Enigma and Other Machines, Air
Scientific Institute Report, 1976.
[ATKI] Atkins, Derek, et. al., "Internet Security:
Professional Reference," New Riders,
Indianapolis, 1996.
[AUG1] D. A. August, "Cryptography and Exploitation of
Chinese Manual Cryptosystems - Part I:The
Encoding Problem", Cryptologia, Vol XIII, No. 4,
October 1989.
[AUG2] D. A. August, "Cryptography and Exploitation of
Chinese Manual Cryptosystems - Part II:The
Encrypting Problem", Cryptologia, Vol XIV, No. 1,
August 1990.
[AUT1] PICCOLA,"Autokey Encipherment,"DJ36, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[AUT2] PICCOLA,"More about Autokeys,"FM37, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[AUT3] ISKANDER,"Converting an Autokey to a Periodic,"
"JJ50, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1950.
[AUT4] UBET,"Auto-Transposition Cipher," SO62, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[AUT5] BARGE,"Decrypting the Auto-Transposition Cipher,"
ND63, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1963.
[Ban ] Banisar, D., 1993, Statistical Analysis of
Electronic Surveillance, presentation at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory
Board, June 3, 1993.
[BA82] S. K. Banerjee, "High speed implementation of
DES," Computers & Security, Vol. 1, No. 3,
November 1982, pp. 261-267.
[BA63] T. C. Bartee and D. I. Schneider, "Computation
with Finite Fields," Information and Control,
Vol. 6, 1963, pp. 79-98.
[BA80] K. E. Batcher, "Design of a massively parallel
processor," IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.
C-29, No. 9, September 1980, pp. 836-840.
[BAC1] SHMOO,"Quicker Baconian Solutions," ND80, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAC2] XERXES,"Sir Francis Bacon Cipher," AS36, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAC3] AB STRUSE,"Solving a Baconian," JJ48, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAC4] B.NATURAL,"Tri-Bac Cipher," JA69, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1969.
[BAC5] Anonymous, "Numerical Baconian," JF62, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAC6] FIDDLE,"Extended Baconian," SO69, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1969.
[BADE] Badeau, J. S. et. al., The Genius of Arab
Civilization: Source of Renaissance. Second
Edition. Cambridge: MIT Press. 1983.
[BAMF] Bamford, James, "The Puzzle Palace: A Report on
America's Most Secret Agency," Boston, Houghton
Mifflin, 1982.
[BANI] Banisar, Dave. CPSR Alert. 13 Jan.1994: n.p.
USENET: comp.society.privacy.
[BARL] Barlow, John Perry. "Bill O' Rights." Mondo
2000. January, 1994:17-19.
[BARB] Barber, F. J. W., "Archaeological Decipherment: A
Handbook," Princeton University Press, 1974.
[B201] Barker, Wayne G., "Cryptanalysis of The Simple
Substitution Cipher with Word Divisions," Course
#201, Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA. 1982.
[BALL] Ball, W. W. R., Mathematical Recreations and
Essays, London, 1928.
[BAR1] Barker, Wayne G., "Course No 201, Cryptanalysis
of The Simple Substitution Cipher with Word
Divisions," Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA.
[BAR2] Barker, W., ed., History of Codes and Ciphers in
the U.S. During the Period between World Wars,
Part II, 1930 - 1939., Aegean Park Press, 1990.
[BAR3] Barker, Wayne G., "Cryptanalysis of the Hagelin
Cryptograph, Aegean Park Press, 1977.
[BAR4] Barker, Wayne G., "Cryptanalysis of the
Enciphered Code Problem - Where Additive Method
of Encipherment Has Been Used," Aegean Park
Press, 1979.
[BAR5] Barker, W., ed., History of Codes and Ciphers in
the U.S. Prior To World War I," Aegean Park
Press, 1978.
[BAR6] Barker, W., " Cryptanalysis of Shift-Register
Generated Stream Cipher Systems," Aegean Park
Press, 1984.
[BAR7] Barker, W., ed., History of Codes and Ciphers in
the U.S. During the Period between World Wars,
Part I, 1919-1929, Aegean Park Press, 1979.
[BAR8] Barker, W., ed., History of Codes and Ciphers in
the U.S. During World War I, Aegean Park Press,
[BARK] Barker, Wayne G., "Cryptanalysis of The Simple
Substitution Cipher with Word Divisions," Aegean
Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA. 1973.
[BARK2] Barker, Wayne G., "Cryptanalysis of The Double
Transposition Cipher," Aegean Park Press, Laguna
Hills, CA. 1995.
[BARR] Barron, John, '"KGB: The Secret Work Of Soviet
Agents," Bantom Books, New York, 1981.
[BATE] Bates, R. J., Jr (1992). "Disaster Recovery
Planning: Networks, Telecommunications, and Data
Communications". McGraw-Hill (New York). ISBN 0-
07-004128-8. 156 + xv. Index, glossary.
[BAT1] Bates, R. J., Jr (1994). "Disaster Recovery for
LANs: A Planning and Action Guide". McGraw-Hill
(New York). ISBN 0-07-004194-6. x + 254.
[BAUD] Baudouin, Captain Roger, "Elements de
Cryptographie," Paris, 1939.
[BAZE] Bazeries, M. le Capitaine, " Cryptograph a 20
rondelles-alphabets," Compte rendu de la 20e
session de l' Association Francaise pour
l'Advancement des Scienses, Paris: Au secretariat
de l' Association, 1892.
[BAZ1] Bazeries, les chiffrees secrets devoiles, Paris,
[BAZ1] OZ,"Bazeries Cipher," MA59, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1959.
[BAZ2] ALII KIONA,"Bazeries Cipher," F35, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAZ3] ZANAC,"A Poker Player's Method to Solve Bazeries
Ciphers," JF82, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1982.
[BAZ4] HI-FI,"Bazeries Ciphers Revisited," SO64, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAZ5] MACHIAVELLI,"Bazeries Cipher - Dutch," ND71, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAZ6] MACHIAVELLI,"Bazeries Cipher - English," JF71,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAZ7] MACHIAVELLI,"Bazeries Cipher - French," JF71, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAZ8] MACHIAVELLI,"Bazeries Cipher - German," MA71, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAZ9] MACHIAVELLI,"Bazeries Cipher - Italian," JA71,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAZA] MACHIAVELLI,"Bazeries Cipher - Portuguese," SO71,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAZB] MACHIAVELLI,"Bazeries Cipher - Spanish," MJ71,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAZC] MACHIAVELLI,"Bazeries Cipher - Unknown Language,"
MJ72, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1972.
[BAZD] HANO,"Bazeries Cipher - Swedish," JA81, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAZE] D. STRASSE,"Bazeries Cipher - Esperanto," SO74,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BAZ5] MACHIAVELLI, "Equivalents of 'e' in the Bazeries
Cipher" SO72, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1972.
[BDKM] Brickell, E., Denning, D., Kent, S., Maher, D.
and Tuchman, W., 1993,``SKIPJACK Review: Interim
Report, The SKIPJACK Algorithm,'' July 28, 1993,
available electronically from
[BEA1] S-TUCK, "Beaufort Auto-key," JJ46, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BEA2] PICCOLA, "Beaufort Ciphers," JJ36, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BEA3] LEDGE, "Beaufort Fundamentals (Novice Notes),"
ND71, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1971.
[BEA4] SI SI, "Comparative Analysis of the Vigenere,
Beaufort and Variant Ciphers," JA80, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BEA5] O'PSHAW, "Porta, A special Case of Beaufort,"
MA91, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1991.
[BECK] Becket, Henry, S. A., "The Dictionary of
Espionage: Spookspeak into English," Stein and
Day, 1986.
[BEKE] H. Beker, F. Piper, Cipher Systems. Wiley, 1982.
[BEES] Beesley, P., "Very Special Intelligence",
Doubleday, New York, 1977.
[BELL] Bell, E. T., Men of Mathematics, New York: Simon
and Shuster, 1937.
[BENN] Bennett, William, R. Jr., "Introduction to
Computer Applications for Non-Science Students,"
Prentice-Hall, 1976. (Interesting section on
monkeys and historical cryptography)
[BEN1] John Bennett, Analysis of the Encryption
Algorithm Used in the WordPerfect Word Processing
Program. Cryptologia 11(4), 206--210, 1987.
[BERG] H. A. Bergen and W. J. Caelli, File Security in
WordPerfect 5.0. Cryptologia 15(1), 57--66,
January 1991.
[BERN] Bernstein, T., A. B. Bhimani, E. Schultz, & C. A.
Siegel (1996). "Internet Security for Business".
John Wiley & Sons (New York). ISBN 0-471-13752-
9. xii + 452. Index.
[BERN] Berners-Lee, T. "Hypertext Markup Language
(HTML)", draft-ieft-iiir-html-01, June 1993.
(expired working draft)
[BERY] BERYL,"The Turning Grille," ND92, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1992.
[BER1] BERYL,"The Diagrafid Cipher - Part II," ND93, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BETH] T. Beth, Algorithm engineering for public key
algorithms. IEEE Selected Areas of
Communication, 1(4), 458--466, 1990.
[BFS] Beth, T., Frisch, M. and Simmons, G. (Eds.),
1992, Public Key Cryptography: State of the Art
and Future Directions, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, No. 578, Springer-Verlag, 1992.
[BIF1] ESP, "4-Square Method for C. M. Bifid," SO92, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BIF2] GALUPOLY, "6X6 Bifid," JA62, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1962.
[BIF3] DR. CRYPTOGRAM, "Bifid and Trifid Cryptography,"
MJ59, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1959.
[BIF4] TONTO, "Bifid Cipher," JJ45, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1945.
[BIF5] GOTKY, "Bifid Cipher with Literal Indices Only,"
FM47, AM47, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1947.
[BIF6] SAI CHESS, "Bifid-ian Timesaver," ON48, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BIF7] LABRONICUS, "Bifid Period by Pattern," ND89, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BIF8] TONTO, "Bifid recoveries," ON50, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1950.
[BIF9] GIZMO, "Bifid Period Determination Using a
Digraphic Index of Coincidence," JF79, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BIFA] GALUPOLY, "Bifid with Conjugated Matrices," JF60,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BIFB] XAMAN EK, "Bifid Workshop, Part 1 - Encoding a
Bifid," MA93, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1993.
[BIFC] XAMAN EK, "Bifid Workshop, Part 2 - Problem
Setup," MJ93, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1993.
[BIFD] XAMAN EK, "Bifid Workshop, Part 3 - Tip
Placement," JA93, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1993.
[BIFE] XAMAN EK, "Bifid Workshop, Part 4 - Solving a
Bifid," SO93, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1993.
[BIFF] DUBIOUS and GALUPOLY, " Chi-Square Test for
Bifids," JA60, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1960.
[BIFG] FIDDLE, "C. M. Bifid, Simplified Solution," MJ73,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BIFH] ZYZZ, "Conjugated Matrix Bifid, Modified Solving
Technique," SO92, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1992.
[BIFI] X.GOTKY, "Delastelle Bifid Cipher," AS45, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BIFJ] D.MORGAN, "Finding the Period in a Bifid," JJ46,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BIFK] S-TUCK, "Finding the Period in a Bifid," AM46,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BIFL] S-TUCK, "Finding the Period in Bifids," ON44, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BIFM] ROGUE, "General Probabilities of Part Naturals in
Bifid, Trifid" JA70, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1970.
[BIFN] B.NATURAL, "In Line Bifid Method," MA62, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BIFO] ABC, "Short Cut in a Bifid," SO61, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BIFP] ROGUE, "Specific Probabilities of Part Naturals
in Bifid, Trifid" SO70, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1970.
[BIFQ] ROGUE, "Split Half Method For Finding A Period
of Bifid," MA71, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1971.
[BIFR] ABC, "Twin Bifids - A Probable Word Method,"
JA62, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1962.
[BIFS] GALUPOLY, "Twin Bifids," MJ60, JA60, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BIGR] PICCOLA, "Use of Bigram Tests" AS38, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[BIGE] Bigelow, Robert P., Legal Issues in Computer
Security 1995 by Robert P. Bigelow.
[BIHS] E. Biham and A. Shamir, Differential
cryptanalysis of DES-like cryptosystems. Journal
of Cryptology, vol. 4, #1, 3--72, 1991.
[BiSh] Biham, E. and Shamir, A., 1993, Differential
Cryptanalysis of the Data Encryption Standard,
Springer-Verlag 1993.
[BISH] E. Biham, A. Shamir, Differential cryptanalysis
of Snefru, Khafre, REDOC-II, LOKI and LUCIFER. In
Proceedings of CRYPTO '91, ed. by J. Feigenbaum,
156--171, 1992.
[BL84] I. F. Blake, R. Fuji-Hara, R. C. Mullin, and S.
A. Vanstone, "Computing logarithms in finite
fields of characteristic two," SIAM Journal on
Algebraic and Discrete Methods, Vol. 5, No. 2,
June 1984, pp. 276-285.
[B84b] I. F. Blake, R. C. Mullin, and S. A. Vanstone,
"Computing logarithms in GF(2n)," in G. R.
Blakley and D. Chaum, Eds., Lecture Notes in
Computer Science Vol. 196: Advances in
Cryptology: Proceedings of CRYPTO 84, a Workshop
on the Theory and Application
of Cryptographic Techniques, Santa Barbara, CA,
August 19-22, 1984, pp. 73-82. Berlin/New York:
Springer-Verlag, 1985.
[BLAZ] Blaze, Matt. "Notes on key escrow meeting with
NSA." 2Feb. 1994. USENET: alt.privacy.clipper.
[BL83] G. R. Blakley, "A computer algorithm for
calculating the product AB modulo M," IEEE
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[DI88] W. Diffie, "The first ten years of public-key
cryptography," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 76,
No. 5, May 1988, pp. 560-577.
[DI76] W. Diffie and M. E. Hellman, "Multiuser
cryptographic techniques," in S. Winkler, Ed.,
AFIPS Conference Proceedings Vol. 45: National
Computer Conference, New York, NY, June 7-10,
1976, pp. 109-112. Montvale, NJ: AFIPS Press,
[D76b] W. Diffie and M. E. Hellman, "New directions in
cryptography," IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory, Vol. IT-22, No. 6, November 1976, pp.
[DF87] W. Diffie, B. O'Higgins, L. Strawczynski, and D.
Steer, "An ISDN secure telephone unit,"
Proceedings of the National Communications Forum,
Vol. 41, No. 1, 1987, pp. 473-477.
[DI79] W. Diffie, M. Hellman, Privacy and
Authentication: An introduction to cryptography.
IEEE proceedings, 67(3), 397--427, 1979.
[Di78] Diffie, W., 1978, ``Data Security for EFT and
Automated Business,'' New Problems - New
Solutions, San Jose, California, SBS Publishing,
[Di82] Diffie, W., 1982, ``Cryptographic Technology:
Fifteen Year Forecast,'' in Gustavus J. Simmons,
Secure Communications and Asymmetric
Cryptosystems, AAAS Selected Symposium No. 69,
Westview Press, 1982.
[D83d] Y. Desmedt, J. Vandewalle, and R. J. M. Govaerts,
"A critical analysis of the security of knapsack
public key algorithms," IEEE Transactions on
Information Theory, Vol. IT-30, No. 4, July
1984, pp. 601-611.
[DOA1] Department of the Army (1945) Crypto-Operating
Instructions for Converter M-134-C (short title:
[DOA2] Department of the Army (1946) Crypto-Operating
Instructions for Converter M-134-C (short title:
[DOA3] Department of the Army (1949) ASAM 1/1 Crypto-
Operating Instructions for ASAM 1. Note the new
designation of ASAM 1 for the ECM Mark II after
the war.
[DoCB] Department of Commerce Briefing re Escrowed
Encryption Standard, 1994, Department of
Commerce, February, 4, 1994, Washington, DC.
[DoJB] Department of Justice Briefing re Escrowed
Encryption Standard, 1994, Department of
Commerce, February, 4, 1994,Washington, DC.
[DONI] Donitz, Karl, Memoirs: Ten Years and Twenty Days,
London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1959.
[DOUB] TIBEX, " A Short Study in doubles ( Word
beginning or ending in double letters)," FM43,
The Cryptogram, published by the American
Cryptogram Association, 1943.
[DO81] J. D. Dixon, "Asymptotically fast factorization
of integers," Mathematics of Computation, Vol.
36, No. 153, January 1981, pp. 255-260.
[DO81] D. Dolev and A. C. Yao, "On the security of
public key protocols," in 22nd Annual Symposium
on Foundations of Computer Science, Nashville,
TN, October 28-30, 1981, pp. 350-357. Silver
Spring, MD: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1981.
[DOW] Dow, Don. L., "Crypto-Mania, Version 3.0", Box
1111, Nashua, NH. 03061-1111, (603) 880-6472,
Cost $15 for registered version and available as
shareware under on CIS or zipnet.
[DOW1] Diffie, W., van Oorschot, P. and Wiener, M.,
1992, ``Authentication and Authenticated Key
Exchanges,'' in , Designs, Codes, and
Cryptography, Volume 2, Number 2, 1992, pp. 107--
[DPSW] Digital Privacy and Security Working Group, white
paper on key escrow encryption technology, 30
September 1993.
[DU90] S. R. Dusse and B. S. Kaliski, Jr., "A
cryptographic library for the Motorola DSP
56000," presented at EUROCRYPT '90, Aarhuis,
DEnmark, May 21-24, 1990.
[EDUC] OZ, "Educational Cryptography," MA89, The
Cryptogram, The American Cryptogram Association,
[EELL] Eells, Richard, and P. Nehemkis, "Corporate
Intellegence and Espionage," Macmillian, London,
[EFF ] Electronic Frontier Foundation. EFF Announces Its
Official Policy onCryptography and Privacy.
N.p.: EFF, 8 Dec. 1993. file.
[EFF1] Electronic Frontier Foundation. General
Information About the Electronic Frontier
Foundation. N.p.: EFF, file.
[EFF2] Electronic Frontier Foundation. EFF Wan ts You
(to add your voice tothe crypto fight!) N.p.:
EFF, 7 Feb. 1994, USENET:alt.privacy.clipper.
[ERMA] Erman, M. David, et al. Computers, Ethics, and
Society. OxfordUniversity Press, 1990.
[EH78] W. F. Ehrsam, S. M. Matyas, C. H. Meyer, and W.
L. Tuchman, "A cryptographic key management
scheme for implementing the Data Encryption
Standard," IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2,
1978, pp. 106-125.
[EIIC] Ei'ichi Hirose, ",Finland ni okeru tsushin joho,"
in Showa gunji hiwa: Dodai kurabu koenshu, Vol 1,
Dodai kurabu koenshu henshu iinkai, ed., (Toyko:
Dodai keizai konwakai, 1987), pp 59-60.
[ELCY] Gaines, Helen Fouche, Cryptanalysis, Dover, New
York, 1956. [ A text that every serious player
should have!]
[ELLI] Carl M. Ellison, A Solution of the Hebern
Messages. Cryptologia, vol. XII, #3, 144-158,
Jul 1988.
[EL85] T. ElGamal, "A public key cryptosystem and a
signature scheme based on discrete logarithms,"
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-
31, No. 4, July 1985, pp. 469-472.
[E85b] T. ElGamal, "On computing logarithms over finite
fields," in H. C. Williams, Ed., Lecture Notes in
Computer Science Vol. 218: Advances in Cryptology
-CRYPTO '85, proceedings of a Conference on the
Theory and Applications of Cryptographic
Techniques, Santa Barbara, CA, August 18-22,
1985, pp. 396-402. Berlin/New York: Springer-
Verlag, 1986.
[ENIG] Tyner, Clarence E. Jr., and Randall K. Nichols,
"ENIGMA95 - A Simulation of Enhanced Enigma
Cipher Machine on A Standard Personal Computer,"
for publication, November, 1995.
[EPST] Epstein, Sam and Beryl, "The First Book of Codes
and Ciphers," Ambassador Books, Toronto, Canada,
[EQUI] THE OAK, "An Equi-Frequency Cipher System," JA55,
The Cryptogram, The American Cryptogram
Association, 1955.
[ERSK] Erskine, Ralph, "Naval Enigma: The Breaking of
Heimisch and Triton," Intelligence and National
Security 3, Jan. 1988.
[EVEN] S. Even, O. Goldreich, DES-like functions can
generate the alternating group. IEEE Trans. on
Inform. Theory, vol. 29, #6, 863--865, 19 83.
[EVES] Eve's H, Introduction to the History of
Mathematics, 4th ed., New York: holt, rinehart
and winston, 1964.
[EYRA] Eyraud, Charles, "Precis de Cryptographie
Moderne'" Paris, 1953.
[FARR] Farrow, R. (1991). "UNIX Systems Security: How
to Protect Your Data and Prevent Intruders".
Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA). ISBN 0-201-57030-
0. vii + 278. Index.
[F186] FIPS 186, "Digital Signature Standard (DSS)",
specifies a Digital Signature Algorithm
appropriate for applications requiring a digital
rather than a written signature.
[F185] FIPS 185, "Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES)",
specifies a voluntary technology available for
protecting telephone communications (e.g., voice,
fax, modem).
[F180] FIPS 180, "Secure Hash Standard (SHS)", specifies
a Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) for use with the
Digital Signature Standard. Additionally, for
applications not requiring a digital signature,
the SHA is to be used whenever a secure hash
algorithm is required for federal applications.
[F462] FIPS 46-2, "Data Encryption Standard (DES)",
provides the technical specifications for the
[F113] FIPS 113, "Computer Data Authentication",
specifies a Data Authentication Algorithm, based
upon the DES, which may be used to detect
unauthorized modifications to data, both
intentional and accidental. The Message
Authentication Code as specified in ANSI X9.9 is
computed in the same manner as the Data
Authentication Code as specified in this
[F140] FIPS 140-1, "Security Requirements for
Cryptographic Modules", establishes the physical
and logical security requirements for the design
and manufacture of modules implementing NIST-
approved cryptographic algorithms.
[F171] FIPS 171, "Key Management Using ANSI X9.17",
adopts ANSI X9.17 and specifies a particular
selection of options for the automated
distribution of keying material by the federal
government using the protocols of ANSI X9.17.
[FE87] U. Feige, A. Fiat, and A. Shamir, "Zero knowledge
proofs of identity," in Proceedings of the
Nineteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of
Computing, New York, NY, May 25-27, 1987, pp.
210- 217. New York: ACM, 1987.
[FEI1] H. Feistel, Cryptography and Computer Privacy.
Scientific American, 228(5), 15--23, 1973.
[FEI2] H. Feistel, H, W. Notz, J. Lynn Smith. Some
cryptographic techniques for machine-to-machine
data communications, IEEE proceedings, 63(11),
1545--1554, 1975.
[FISA] Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, 50 U.S.C.
Sec. 1801 , et seq.
[FI86] A. Fiat and A. Shamir, "How to prove yourself:
practical solutions to identification and
signature problems," in A. M. Odlyzko, Ed.,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 263:
Advances in Cryptology -CRYPTO '86, proceedings
of a Conference on the
Theory and Applications of Cryptographic
Techniques, Santa Barbara, CA, August 11-15,
1986, pp. 186-194. Berlin/New York: Springer-
Verlag, 1987.
[FIBO] LOGONE BASETEN, "Use of Fibonacci Numbers in
Cryptography," JF69, The Cryptogram, published by
the American Cryptogram Association, 1969.
[FIDD] FIDDLE, (Frederick D. Lynch, Col.) "An Approach
to Cryptarithms," ACA Publications, 1964.
[FID1] FIDDLE, " The International Chess Cable Code,"
MJ55, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1955.
[FING] HELCRYPT, "Cryptography in Fingerprinting," FM51,
The Cryptogram, published by the American
Cryptogram Association, 1951.
[FIRE] FIRE-O, "A Tool for Mathematicians:
Multiplicative Structures," The Cryptogram, Vol.
XXXVI, No 5, 1977.
[FISH] Fisher, R. P. (1984). "Information Systems
Security". Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ).
ISBN 0-13-464727-0. viii + 240. Index.
[FL78] R. Flynn and A. S. Campasano, "Data dependent
keys for a selective encryption terminal," in S.
P. Ghosh and L. Y. Liu, Eds., AFIPS Conference
Proceedings Vol. 47: National Computer
Conference, Anaheim, CA, June 5-8, 1978, pp.
1127-1129. Montvale, NJ: AFIPS Press, 1978.
[FL] Anonymous, The Friedman Legacy: A Tribute to
William and Elizabeth Friedman, National Security
Agency, Central Security Service, Center for
Cryptological History,1995.
[FLI1] Flicke, W. F., "War Secrets in the Ether - Volume
I," Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1977.
[FLIC] Flicke, W. F., "War Secrets in the Ether - Volume
II," Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1977.
[FLIC] Flicke, W. F., "War Secrets in the Ether," Aegean
Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1994.
[FM34] Field Manual 34-40-2 "Basic Cryptanalysis",
Department of Army, GPO 1990-729/952, 13
September, 1990. (Authored by ACA member Walt
[FOOT] George FOOT,"An Introduction to Modern
Cryptography ," SO96, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1996.
[FORE] DELAC, "Solving a Foreign Periodic by Lining Up
the Alphabets," JJ46, The Cryptogram, published
by the American Cryptogram Association, 1946.
[FOR1] VULPUS, "Four-Square Cipher," JA63, The
Cryptogram, The American Cryptogram Association,
[FOR2] FIDDLE, "Further Comments on Solution of Four-
Square Ciphers by Probable Word Method," FM50,
The Cryptogram, The American Cryptogram
Association, 1950.
[FOR3] GALUPOLY, "Numerical Four-Square Cipher," MA62,
MJ62, The Cryptogram, The American Cryptogram
Association, 1962.
[FOR4] SAI CHESS, "Sharpshooting the Four-Square
Cipher," AM49,JJ49, The Cryptogram, The
American Cryptogram Association, 1949.
[FOR5] B. NATURAL, "Solution of Type II-X Four-Square
Cipher," MJ62, The Cryptogram, The American
Cryptogram Association, 1962.
[FOR6] FIDDLE, "Solutionof Four-Square Ciphers by
Probable Word Method," DJ49, The Cryptogram, The
American Cryptogram Association, 1949.
[FORS] Forester, T. & P. Morrison (1990). "Computer
Ethics: Cautionary Tales and Ethical Dilemmas in
Computing". MIT Press (Cambridge, MA). ISBN 0-
262-06131-7. vi + 193. Index.
[FORT] Forester, T., ed. (1991). "Computers in the Human
Context: Information Technology, Productivity and
People". MIT Press (Cambridge, MA). ISBN 0-262-
56050-X. xii + 548. Index.
[FOWL] Fowler, Mark and Radhi Parekh, " Codes and
Ciphers, - Advanced Level," EDC Publishing, Tulsa
OK, 1994. (clever and work)
[FRAA] Friedman, William F. , "American Army Field Codes
in The American Expeditionary Forces During the
First World War, USA 1939.
[FRAB] Friedman, W. F., Field Codes used by the German
Army During World War. 1919.
[FRAN] Franks, Peter, "Calculator Ciphers," Information
Associates, Champaign, Il. 1980.
[FRA1] SI SI, "Analysis and Optimization of the
Fractionated Morse Cipher," ND81, The Cryptogram,
The American Cryptogram Association, 1981.
[FRA2] B. NATURAL, "Elementary Study of the Fractionated
Morse Cipher," AS51, The Cryptogram, The American
Cryptogram Association, 1951.
[FRA3] X.GOTKY, "Fractionated Morse Cipher," AM50, The
Cryptogram, The American Cryptogram Association,
[FRA4] CROTALUS, "Fractionated Morse Frequencies
Reissued," MA93, The Cryptogram, The American
Cryptogram Association, 1993.
[FRA5] RIG R. MORTIS, "Fractionated Morse Keyword
Recovery," MA60, The Cryptogram, The American
Cryptogram Association, 1960.
[FRA6] LAMONT CRANSTON, "Fractionated Morse Made Easy,"
JA92, The Cryptogram, The American Cryptogram
Association, 1992.
[FRA7] MOOJUB, "General Break For Fractionated Morse,"
AS51, The Cryptogram, The American Cryptogram
Association, 1951.
[FRA8] FIDDLE, "Periodic Fractionated Morse," AS54, The
Cryptogram, The American Cryptogram Association,
[FRAK] Franklin, Charles E. H., "Business Guide to
Privacy and Data Protection Legislation," ICC
Publishing, Kluwer Law International, The Hague,
[FRE] Friedman, William F. , "Elements of
Cryptanalysis," Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills,
CA, 1976.
[FREA] Friedman, William F. , "Advanced Military
Cryptography," Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills,
CA, 1976.
[FREB] Friedman, William F. , "Elementary Military
Cryptography," Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills,
CA, 1976.
[FREC] Friedman, William F., "Cryptology," The
Encyclopedia Britannica, all editions since 1929.
A classic article by the greatest cryptanalyst.
[FRSG] Friedman, William F., "Solving German Codes in
World War I, " Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills,
CA, 1977.
[FR1] Friedman, William F. and Callimahos, Lambros D.,
Military Cryptanalytics Part I - Volume 1, Aegean
Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1985.
[FR2] Friedman, William F. and Callimahos, Lambros D.,
Military Cryptanalytics Part I - Volume 2, Aegean
Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1985.
[FR3] Friedman, William F. and Callimahos, Lambros D.,
Military Cryptanalytics Part III, Aegean Park
Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1995.
[FR4] Friedman, William F. and Callimahos, Lambros D.,
Military Cryptanalytics Part IV, Aegean Park
Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1995.
[FR5] Friedman, William F. Military Cryptanalysis -
Part I, Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA,
[FR6] Friedman, William F. Military Cryptanalysis -
Part II, Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA,
[FR7] Friedman, William F. and Callimahos, Lambros D.,
Military Cryptanalytics Part II - Volume 1,
Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1985.
[FR8] Friedman, William F. and Callimahos, Lambros D.,
Military Cryptanalytics Part II - Volume 2,
Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1985.
[FR22] Friedman, William F., The Index of Coincidence
and Its Applications In Cryptography, Publication
22, The Riverbank Publications, Aegean Park
Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1979.
[FRS6] Friedman, W. F., "Six Lectures On Cryptology,"
National Archives, SRH-004.
[FR8] Friedman, W. F., "Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
Articles," Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA,
[FR9] Friedman, W. F., "History of the Use of Codes,"
Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1977.
[FRZM] Friedman, William F.,and Charles J. Mendelsohn,
"The Zimmerman Telegram of January 16, 1917 and
its Cryptographic Background," Aegean Park Press,
Laguna Hills, CA, 1976.
[Freh] Freeh, L., 1994, Written Statement before the
Subcommittee on Technology and the Law of the
Committee of the Judiciary, United States Senate
and the Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional
Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary, House
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[FROM] Fromkin, V and Rodman, R., "Introduction to
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[FUMI] Fumio Nakamura, Rikugun ni okeru COMINT no hoga
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Butterworths (Boston). ISBN 0-409-90084-2. xvi
+ 301. Index.
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[GAR3] Gardner, Martin, "New Mathematical Diversions
from Scientific American," Simon and Schuster,
[GAR4] Gardner, Martin, "Sixth Book of Mathematical
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Schuster, 1971.
[GARL] Garlinski, Jozef, 'The Swiss Corridor', Dent,
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[GAR2] Garlinski, Jozef, 'The Enigma War', New York,
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[GARF] Garfinkel, S. & G. Spafford (1991). "Practical
UNIX Security". O'Reilly & Assoc (Sebastopol,
CA). ISBN 0-937175-72-2. xxvii + 481. Index.
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[GASS] Gasser, M. (1988). "Building a Secure Computer
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[GERH] Gerhard, William D., "Attack on the U.S.,
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Cryptography," Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills,
CA, 1978. Also, M. Givierge, "Cours de
Cryptographie," Berger-Levrault, Paris, 1925.
[GLEN] Gleason, Norma, "Fun With Codes and Ciphers
Workbook," Dover, New York, 1988.
[GLE1] Gleason, Norma, "Cryptograms and Spygrams,"
Dover, New York, 1981.
[GLEA] Gleason, A. M., "Elementary Course in Probability
for the Cryptanalyst," Aegean Park Press, Laguna
Hills, CA, 1985.
[GLOV] Glover, D. Beaird, "Secret Ciphers of the 1876
Presidential Election," Aegean Park Press, Laguna
Hills, CA, 1991.
[GODD] Goddard, Eldridge and Thelma, "Cryptodyct,"
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[GOOD] I. J. Good, Good Thinking: the foundations of
probability and its applications. University of
Minnesota Press, 1983.
[GOOE] Goodell, J. (1996). "The Cyberthief and the
Samurai: The True Story of Kevin Mitnick--and the
Man Who Hunted Him Down". Dell (New York). ISBN
0-440-22205-2. xix + 328.
[GO84] S. Goldwasser and S. Micali, "Probabilistic
encryption," Journal of Computer and System
Sciences, Vol. 28, No. 2, April 1984, pp. 270-
[GO89] S. Goldwasser, S. Micali, and C. Rackoff, "The
knowledge complexity of interactive proof
systems," SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol. 18, No.
1, February 1989, pp. 186-208.
[GO88] S. Goldwasser, S. Micali, and R. L. Rivest, "A
digital signature scheme secure against adaptive
chosen-message attacks," SIAM Journal on
Computing, Vol. 17, No. 2, April 1988, pp. 281-
[G84b] J. Gordon, "Strong RSA keys," Electronics
Letters, Vol. 20, No. 12, June 7, 1984, pp. 514-
[GO84] J. A. Gordon, "Strong primes are easy to find,"
in T. Beth, N. Cot, and I. Ingemarsson, Eds.,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 209:
Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of EUROCRYPT
84, a Workshop on the Theory and Application of
Cryptographic Techniques, Paris, France, April 9-
11, 1984, pp. 216-223.
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[GR88] J. Grollman and A. L. Selman, "Complexity
measures for public-key cryptosystems," SIAM
Journal on Computing, Vol. 17, No. 2, April
1988, pp. 309-335.
[GORD] Gordon, Cyrus H., " Forgotten Scripts: Their
Ongoing Discovery and Decipherment," Basic
Books, New York, 1982.
[GORE] Gore, Al. Interview. By Lawrence J. Magid.
Microtimes 8 Feb. 1994:26-31.
[GOR1] Gore, Al. Remarks (as prepared). Royce Hall.
University of CaliforniaLos Angeles. 11 Jan.
1994. file.
[GOR2] Gore, Al. Statement of the Vice President. White
House: Office of the Vice President. 4, Feb.
1994. file .
[Gold] Goldman V. United States, 316 U.S. 129, 1942.
[GRA1] Grandpre: "Grandpre, A. de--Cryptologist. Part 1
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[GRA2] Grandpre: "Grandpre Ciphers", ROGUE, The
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Association, 1963.
[GRA3] Grandpre: "Grandpre", Novice Notes, LEDGE, The
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[GRAH] Graham, L. A., "Ingenious Mathematical Problems
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[GRAN] Grant, E. A., "Kids Book of Secret Codes, Signals
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[GRAP] DR. CRYPTOGRAM,"The Graphic Position Chart (On
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[GREU] Greulich, Helmut, "Spion in der
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[GRI3] S-TUCK,"Grille Solved By the Tableaux Method,"
DJ42, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1942.
[GRI4] The SQUIRE,"More About Grilles," ON40,DJ40, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
1940, 1940.
[GRI5] OMAR,"Rotating Grille Cipher," FM41, The
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[GRI6] S-TUCK,"Solving The Grille. A New Tableaux
Method," FM44, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1944.
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[GRI8] BERYL,"The Turning Grille," ND92, The Cryptogram,
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[GRI9] SHERLAC and S-TUCKP,"Triangular Grilles," ON45,
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[GRIB] DUN SCOTUS,"Turning (by the numbers)," SO61, The
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[GRIC] LEDGE,"Turning Grille (Novice Notes)," JA77, The
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[GRO2] BERYL," BERYL'S Pearls: Gromark Primers by hand
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[GRO3] MARSHEN," Checking the Numerical Key,"JF70, The
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[GRO4] PHOENIX," Computer Column: Gronsfeld -> Gromark,"
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[LAN1] Langie, Andre, "Cryptography - A Study on Secret
Writings", Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA.
[LAN2] Langie, Andre, and E. A. Soudart, "Treatise on
Cryptography, " Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills,
CA. 1991.
[LATI] BRASSPOUNDER, "Latin Language Data, "The
Cryptogram," July-August 1993.
[LAUE] Lauer, Rudolph F., "Computer Simulation of
Classical Substitution Cryptographic Systems"
Aegean Park Press, 1981, p72 ff.
[Lewi] Lewis, P., 1994, ``IRS Tries On-Line Filing,''New
York Times, February 19, 1994, Sec. D.
[LE82] D. J. Lehman, "On primality tests," SIAM Journal
on Computing, Vol. 11, No. 2, May 1982, pp. 374-
[LE76] D. H. Lehmer, "Strong Carmichael numbers,"
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society,
Vol. 21 (Series A), 1976, pp. 508- 510.
[LE79] A. Lempel, "Cryptology in transition," ACM
Computing Surveys, Vol. 11, No. 4, December 1979,
pp. 285-303.
[LE82] A. K. Lenstra, H. W. Lenstra, Jr., and L. Lovasz,
"Factoring polynomials with rational
coefficients," Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 261,
1982, pp. 515-534.
[LE90] A. K. Lenstra, H. W. Lenstra, Jr., M. S. Manasse,
and J. M. Pollard, "The number field sieve."
[LE89] A. K. Lenstra and M. S. Manasse, "Factoring by
electronic mail," to appear in proceedings of
[LE83] H. W. Lenstra, Jr., "Integer programming with a
fixed number of variables," Mathematics of
Operations Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, November
1983, pp. 538-548.
[LE86] H. W. Lenstra, Jr., "Primality testing," in J. W.
de Bakker et al., Eds., Mathematics and Computer
Science, CWI Monographs, I, pp. 269-287.
Amsterdam/New York: North-Holland, 1986.
[LE87] H. W. Lenstra, Jr., "Factoring integers with
elliptic curves," Annals of Mathematics, Vol.
126, 1987, pp. 649-673.
[LE81] H. R. Lewis and C. H. Papadimitriou, Elements of
the Theory of Computation. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 1981.
[LEAR] Leary, Penn, " The Second Cryptographic
Shakespeare," Omaha, NE [from author] 1994.
[LEA1] Leary, Penn, " Supplement to The Second
Cryptographic Shakespeare," Omaha, NE [from
author] 1994.
[LEAU] Leaute, H., "Sur les Mecanismes Cryptographiques
de M. de Viaris," Le Genie Civil, XIII, Sept 1,
[LEDG] LEDGE, "NOVICE NOTES," American Cryptogram
Association, 1994. [ One of the best
introductory texts on ciphers written by an
expert in the field. Not only well written,
clear to understand but as authoritative as they
come! ]
[LED1] LEDGE, "Basic Patterns in Base Eleven and Twelve
Arithmetic (Part 1) ," The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, Vol XLIII, No. 5, 1977.
[LED2] LEDGE, "Basic Patterns in Base Eleven and Twelve
Arithmetic (Part 2) ," The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, Vol XLIII, No. 6, 1977.
[LEMP] A. Lempel, Cryptology in transition, Computing
Surveys, 11(4), 285--304, 1979.
[LENS] Lenstra, A.K. et. al. "The Number Field Sieve,"
Proceedings of the 22 ACM Symposium on the Theory
of Computing," Baltimore, ACM Press, 1990, pp
[LEN1] Lenstra, A.K. et. al. "The Factorization of the
Ninth Fermat Number," Mathematics of Computation
61 1993, pp. 319-50.
[LEVY] Levy, Steven. "Crypto Rebels." WIRED May-June
1993: 54-61.
[LEWF] Lewis, Frank, "Problem Solving with Particular
Reference to the Cryptic (or British) Crossword
and other 'American Puzzles', Part One," by Frank
Lewis, Montserrat, January 1989.
[LEW1] Lewis, Frank, "The Nations Best Puzzles, Book
Six," by Frank Lewis, Montserrat, January 1990.
[LEWI] Lewin, Ronald, 'Ultra goes to War', Hutchinson,
London 1978.
[LEWN] Lewin, Ronald, 'The American Magic - Codes,
ciphers and The Defeat of Japan', Farrar Straus
Giroux, 1982.
[LEWY] Lewy, Guenter, "America In Vietnam", Oxford
University Press, New York, 1978.
[LEVI] Levine, J., U.S. Cryptographic Patents 1861-
1981, Cryptologia, Terre Haute, In 1983.
[LEV1] Levine, J. 1961. Some Elementary Cryptanalysis
of Algebraic Cryptography. American Mathematical
Monthly. 68:411-418
[LEV2] Levine, J. 1961. Some Applications of High-
Speed Computers to the Case n =2 of Algebraic
Cryptography. Mathematics of Computation.
[LEV3] Levine, J. 1963. Analysis of the Case n =3 in
Algebraic Cryptography With Involuntary Key
Matrix With Known Alphabet. Journal fuer die
Reine und Angewante Mathematik. 213:1-30.
[LINA] Anonomous, "Decrypment of Minoan Linear A," MJ64,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[LI89] J. Linn and S. T. Kent, "Privacy for DARPA-
Internet mail," in Proceedings of the 12th
National Computer Security Conference, Baltimore,
MD, October 10-13, 1989, pp. 215-229.
[Link] M/A-COM LINKABIT Corporation, 1983, , LC76 DES
Data Encryption/Decryption Unit: Product
Brochure, August, 1983.
[LINN] Linn J. "Privacy Enhancement for Internet
Electronic Mail: Part I: Message Encryption and
Authentication Procedures", RFC1421, Feb 1993.
[LISI] Lisicki, Tadeusz, 'Dzialania Enigmy', Orzet
Biaty, London July-August, 1975; 'Enigma i
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JA95 3, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
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[LITT] Littman, J. (1996). "The Fugitive Game: Online
with Kevin Mitnick--The Inside Story of the Great
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[LUBY] C. Rackoff, M. Luby, How to construct
psuedorandom permutations from psuedorandom
functions. SIAM Journal of Computing, vol. 17,
#2, 373--386, 1988.
[LUCK] Michael Lucks, A Constraint Satisfaction
Algorithm for the Automated Decryption of Simple
Substitution Ciphers. In CRYPTO '88. 598--605,
[LYNC] Lynch, Frederick D., "Pattern Word List, Vol 1.,"
Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1977.
[LYN1] Lynch, Frederick D., "An Approach To
Cryptarithms," ACA, 1976.
[LYND] Lynch, D. C. & M. T. Rose (1993). "Internet
System Handbook". Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
(Reading, MA). ISBN 0-201-56741-5. xxxii + 790.
[LYSI] Lysing, Henry, aka John Leonard Nanovic, "Secret
Writing," David Kemp Co., NY 1936.
[MA81] D. MacMillan, "Single chip encrypts data at 14
Mb/s," Electronics, Vol. 54, No. 12, June 16,
1981, pp. 161-165.
[MA88] J. L. Massey, "An introduction to contemporary
cryptology," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 76,
No. 5, May 1988, pp. 533-549.
[MA78] S. M. Matyas and C. H. Meyer, "Generation,
distribution, and installation of cryptographic
keys," IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2,
1978, pp. 126-137.
[MACB] Macbeth, J. C. H., "The Marconi International
Code," 1920. - "Secret Ciphering for the Marconi
International Code," 1920.
[MACF] MacFarlane, A. Lectures on Ten British
Mathematicians of the Nineteen Century, Math.
Mono. No 17, New York: John Wiley, 1916.
[MACI] Macintyre, D., "The Battle of the Atlantic," New
York, Macmillan, 1961.
[MADA] Madachy, J. S., "Mathematics on Vacation,"
Scribners, 1972.
[MAGN] Magne, Emile, Le plaisant Abbe de Boisrobert,
Paris, Mecure de France, 1909.
[MANN] Mann, B.,"Cryptography with Matrices," The
Pentagon, Vol 21, Fall 1961.
[MANS] Mansfield, Louis C. S., "The Solution of Codes
and Ciphers", Alexander Maclehose & Co., London,
[MAN1] Mansfield, L.C.S, "One Hundred Problems in
Cipher. London, 1936.
[MARO] Marotta, Michael, E. "The Code Book - All About
Unbreakable Codes and How To Use Them,"
Loompanics Unlimited, 1979. [This is a terrible
book. Badly written, without proper authority,
unprofessional, and prejudicial to boot. And, it
has one of the better illustrations of the Soviet
one-time pad with example, with three errors in
cipher text, that I have corrected for the
[MARS] Marshall, Alan, "Intelligence and Espionage in
the Reign of Charles II," 1660-1665, Cambridge
University, New York, N.Y., 1994.
[MASS] J. Massey, An introduction to contemporary
cryptology, IEEE proceedings, 76(5), 533--549,
[MART] Martin, James, "Security, Accuracy and Privacy
in Computer Systems," Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, N.J., 1973.
[MAST] Lewis, Frank W., "Solving Cipher Problems -
Cryptanalysis, Probabilities and Diagnostics,"
Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1992.
[MATS] Matsui, M., 1993, ``Linear Cryptanalysis of DES
Cipher,'' in Proceedings Eurocrypt 1993.
[MATT] Matthews, T., Shadows Dancing: Japanese Espionage
Against the West, 1939-1945, St. Martins, Press,
New York, 1993.
[MAU] Mau, Ernest E., "Word Puzzles With Your
Microcomputer," Hayden Books, 1990.
[MAVE] Mavenel, Denis L., Lettres, Instructions
Diplomatiques et Papiers d' Etat du Cardinal
Richelieu, Historie Politique, Paris 1853-1877
[MAYA] Coe, M. D., "Breaking The Maya Code," Thames and
Hudson, New York, 1992.
[MYSZ] Myszkowski, E., Cryptographie Indechiffrable,
Paris, 1902.
[MAZU] Mazur, Barry, "Questions On Decidability and
Undecidability in Number Theory," Journal of
Symbolic Logic, Volume 54, Number 9, June, 1994.
[MC89] K. S. McCurley, "The discrete logarithm problem,"
[MC78] R. J. McEliece, "A public-key cryptosystem based
on algebraic coding theory," DSN Progress Report
42-44, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1978, pp. 114-
[ME78] R. C. Merkle, "Secure communications over
insecure channels," Communications of the ACM,
Vol. 21, No. 4, April 1978, pp. 294-299.
[ME82] R. C. Merkle, Secrecy, Authentication, and Public
Key Systems. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1982.
[ME82b] R. C. Merkle, "Protocols for public key
cryptosystems," in G. J. Simmons, Ed., Secure
Communications and Asymmetric Cryptosystems, pp.
73-104. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1982.
[ME89] R. C. Merkle, "One way hash functions and DES,"
[M78b] R. C. Merkle and M. E. Hellman, "Hiding
information and signatures in trapdoor
knapsacks," IEEE Transactions on Information
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[MELL] Mellen G. 1981. Graphic Solution of a Linear
Transformation Cipher. Cryptologia. 5:1-19.
[MEND] Mendelsohn, Capt. C. J., Studies in German
Diplomatic Codes Employed During World War, GPO,
[MERK] Merkle, Ralph, "Secrecy, Authentication and
Public Key Systems," Ann Arbor, UMI Research
Press, 1982.
[MER1] Merkle, Ralph, "Secure Communications Over
Insecure Channels," Communications of the ACM 21,
1978, pp. 294-99.
[MER2] Merkle, Ralph and Martin E. Hellman, "On the
Security of Multiple Encryption ," Communications
of the ACM 24, 1981, pp. 465-67.
[MER3] Merkle, Ralph and Martin E. Hellman, "Hiding
Information and Signatures in Trap Door
Knapsacks," IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory 24, 1978, pp. 525-30.
[MER4] R. Merkle, Fast software encryption functions. In
Proceedings of CRYPTO '90, Menezes and Vanstone
ed., 476--501, 1991.
[MESC] Meschkowski, H., "Ways of Thought of Great
Mathematicians, tr by John Dyer-Bennet. San
Francisco: Holden-Day 1948.
[MEYE] C. Meyer and S. Matyas, Cryptography: A new
dimension in computer security. Wiley, 1982.
[MEYR] C. Meyer, Ciphertext/plaintext and ciphertext/key
dependence vs. number of rounds for the Data
Encryption Standard. AFIPS Conference
proceedings, 47, 1119--1126, 1978.
[MI76] G. L. Miller, "Riemann's hypothesis and tests for
primality," Journal of Computer and System
Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 3, December 1976, pp.
[MI88] V. M. Milutinovic, Computer Architecture:
Concepts and Systems. New York: North-Holland,
[MICR] MICROPOD,"The Solution of a Two Square," JA95,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[MICA] Micali, S., Fair Cryptosystems, Report
MIT/LCS/TR-579.b, MIT Laboratory for Computer
Science, Cambridge, Mass, November 1993.
[MILL] Millikin, Donald, " Elementary Cryptography ",
NYU Bookstore, NY, 1943.
[MIL0] Miller, C. (1993). "Information Technology
Security Handbook". PW/GSC, catalog #P35-
73/1993. ISBN 0-662-59922-5.
[MIL1] Miller, C. (1993). "Microcomputer and LAN
Security". PW/GSC, catalog #P35-72/1993. ISBN
[MILE] Miller, S. E. (1996). "Civilizing Cyberspace:
Policy, Power and the Information Superhighway".
ACM Press by Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA). ISBN
0-201-84760-4. xvii + 413. Index.
[Mint] Mintz, J., 1992, ``Intelligence Community in
Breach with Business,'' Washington Post, April
30, 1992, Sec. A.
[MINT] Mintz J., and J. Schwartz, "Encryption Program
Draws Fresh Attacks," The Washington Post, 18
September 1993, p. C1.
[MO85] P. L. Montgomery, "Modular multiplication without
trial division," Mathematics of Computation, Vol.
44, No. 170, April 1985, pp. 519-521.
[MO88] J. H. Moore, "Protocol failures in
cryptosystems," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 76,
No. 5, May 1988, pp. 594-602.
[MO75] M. A. Morrison and J. Brillhart, "A method of
factoring and the factorization of F7,"
Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 29, No. 129,
January 1975, pp. 183-205.
[MODE] Modelski, Tadeusz, 'The Polish Contribution to
the Ultimate Allied Victory in the Second World
War', Worthing (Sussex) 1986.
[MOOR] Moore, D. T., and M. Waller, "Cloak and Cipher,"
Bobbs-Merrill, New York, 1962.
[MORB] EUREKA, "A Bit More To the Morbit Cipher," MJ64,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[MORB] EUREKA, "A Bit More To the Morbit Cipher," MJ64,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[MOR1] THE BRUIN, "A Pollux/Morbit Hybrid Cipher," MA88,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[MOR2] NIP N. BUD, "Comments on Breaking the Morbit
Cipher," MA64, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1964.
[MOR3] CROATULUS, "Entering the Morbit with Plaintext
H," SO68, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1968.
[MOR4] EUREKA, "Morbit Cipher," JF64, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1964.
[MOR5] CRUX, "Morbit Diagraph Analysis," MA90, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[MOR6] LEDGE, "Morbit Cipher," SO75, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1975.
[MOR7] MARSHEN, "On Morbit Variants," ND64, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[MOR8] THE DOC, "Pollux/Morbit Challenge Solved," SO88,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[MORS] FIDDLE, "Morse Code in Three Languages,
International, ," DJ53, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1953.
[MOR1] LAMONT CRANSTON,"Fractionated Morse," JA92, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[MRAY] Mrayati, Mohammad, Yahya Meer Alam and Hassan al-
Tayyan., Ilm at-Ta'miyah wa Istikhraj al-Mu,amma
Ind al-Arab. Vol 1. Damascus: The Arab Academy of
[MULL] Mulligan, Timothy," The German Navy Examines its
Cryptographic Security, Oct. 1941, Military
affairs, vol 49, no 2, April 1985.
[Myer] Myers, F., 1979, ``A Data Link Encryption
System,'' National Telecommunications Conference,
Washington, D.C. November 27-29, 1979, pp.
[MYER] Myer, Albert, "Manual of Signals," Washington,
D.C., USGPO, 1879.
[MYSK] PHOENIX, "Myszkowski Deciphering Program," JA87,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[MYS1] PHOENIX, "Myszkowski Deciphering Program-
Conclusion," ND87, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1987.
[MYS2] QUINCE, "Redefence al la Myszkowski," JF92, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[MYS3] DELAC, "Myszkowski Transposition," AS46, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[MYS4] S-TUCK, "Myszkowski Transposition," AM52, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[MYS5] B.NATURAL, "Simplifing the Myszkowski," JF59, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[MYS6] AB STRUSE, "Solving the Myszkowski," AM48, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[MYS7] CROTALUS, "Railfence and Redefence as Special
Cases of the Myszkowski," JA80, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1980.
[MYSZ] Myszkowski, Emile V.T., "Cryptographie
indechiffrable basee sur de nouvelles
combinaisons rationelles." Paris 1902. 69 pg 8
vol.,NN, DLC, Boston Public Library, John Crerar
Library, Great Britian War Office Library,
Belgium War Library, BN.
[NA77] National Bureau of Standards, Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication 46: Data
Encryption Standard, January 15, 1977.
[NA80] National Bureau of Standards, Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication 81: DES Modes of
Operation, December 2, 1980.
[NA81] National Bureau of Standards, Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication 74: Guidelines
for Implementing and Using the NBS Data
Encryption Standard, April 1, 1981.
[NBS] National Bureau of Standards, "Data Encryption
Standard," FIPS PUB 46-1, 1987.
[NBS] National Bureau of Standards, 1977, Data
Encryption Standard, Federal Information
Processing Standard 46,
January 1977, Washington, DC.
[NCSS] National Computer Security Center (1983-).
"Rainbow Series" (so-called). Monographs on many
aspects of information systems security. For an
excellent summary of the series and its topics,
see Appendix E of Russell & Gangemi (below), p.
359 ff.
[NE78] R. M. Needham and M. D. Schroeder, "Using
encryption for authentication in large networks
of computers," Communications of the ACM, Vol.
21, No. 12, December 1978, pp. 993-999.
[Neu ] Neumann, P., 1994 , Computer-Related Risks, ACM
Press (Addison-Wesley), 1994.
[NIXX] National Institute of Standards and Technology,
1991, Publication XX: Announcement and
Specifications for a Digital Signature Standard
(DSS), August 19, 1991, Washington, DC.
[N185] National Institute of Standards and Technology,
1994, Federal Information Processing Standards
Publication 185, Escrowed Encryption Standard},
February 9, 1994, Washington, DC.
[N186] National Institute of Standards and Technology,
1994, Federal Information Processing Standards
Publication 186: Digital Signature Standard
(DSS), May 19, 1994, Washington, DC.
[NI94] National Institute of Standards and Technology,
1994, Approval of Federal Information Processing
Standards Publication 185, Escrowed Encryption
Standard, Federal Register, Vol. 59, No. 27,
February 9, 1994, Washington, DC.
[NISA] National Institute of Standards and Technology
and National Security Agency, 1989, Memorandum of
Understanding between the Director of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology
and the Director of the National Security Agency
concerning the Implementation of Public Law 100-
235, March 24, 1989, Washington, DC.
[NIBL] Niblack, A. P., "Proposed Day, Night and Fog
Signals for the Navy with Brief Description of
the Ardois Hight System," In Proceedings of the
United States Naval Institute, Annapolis: U. S.
Naval Institute, 1891.
[NICO] PHOENIX, "Nicodemus," ND88, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1988.
[NICa] BERYL, "How to Finish Deciphering a Nicodemus,"
SO92, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
Association, 1992.
[NICb] S-TUCK, "Decrypting the Nicodemus," AM52, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[NICc] FIDDLE, "Method for Solving the Nicodemus," JF60,
The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[NICd] DELEC, "Nicodemus Cipher," AS49, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1949.
[NICe] LEDGE, "Nicodemus Cipher," SO72, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1972.
[NICH] Nichols, Randall K., " Classical Cryptography
Course, Volume I," Aegean Park Press (C-74),
ISBN: 0-89412-263-0, Softbound, 8.38 x 10.75 in,
xii + 301 pp.
Mr. Nichols (aka LANAKI) is the outgoing
President of the American Cryptogram Association
(ACA). In his truly great book, he covers the
Volume I covers such diverse topics as
Aristocrats (the king of puzzles found in the
daily paper), Patristocrat (single language
Aristocrats without word divisions), Xenocrypts
(language ciphers other than English),
Transposition ciphers, Military Ciphers,
Cryptarithms, Polyalphabetics, Cipher Machines
such as the ENIGMA (with simulation disk
available) and special ciphers used in history,
as well as their modern day equivalents. Ciphers
and cryptanalytic techniques for solution are
[NIC~] Nichols, Randall K., " Classical Cryptography
Course, Volume II," Aegean Park Press (C-76),
ISBN: 0-89412-264-9, Softbound, 8.38 x 10.75 in,
xii + 400 pp. 1996, $40.00.
Volume II presents Lectures 11 - 20 (of a total
of twenty five) from Mr. Nichols' extremely
successful course in Classical Cryptography
taught in 1995 and 1996 to 358 students via the
Internet and regular mail.
Volume II covers polyalphabetic substitutions
ciphers in the Vigenere family (Viggy, Variant,
Beaufort, Porta, Gronsfeld, Portax, Gromark),
decimation, principles of symmetry, isologs and
superimposition solution techniques. Volume II
describes the difficult aperiodic cipher systems
(Interrupted key, Autoclave, Progressive, Running
Key used in cipher machines) and their analysis
by isomorphs, and repetitions. Cryptarithm
solutions for extended bases are presented. The
theory of coincidences and statistical attacks
(kappa, chi, phi) that are derived from this
important theory are detailed.
Transposition theory and a variety of
transposition ciphers are solved (Columnar,
Amsco, Myszkowski, Cadenus, Grille, Swagman,
Auto-Transposition). Volume II has two chapters
on the difficult cipher systems invented by the
famous French cryptographer Delastelle:
Foursquare, Bifid and Trifid. Volume II ends
with a chapter on passwords, law and data
protection. Volume II is a potpourri of advanced
topics in classical cryptography.
Volume II includes over 1600 Cryptographic
Resources and References covering all phases of
cryptography: cryptanalysis, history, legal,
social, classical, modern, NSA, mathematical
techniques, recreational, intelligence, tactical,
strategic, national defense, INFOSEC: offensive
and defensive, hardware, software, standards,
public key cryptography, web sources, and
applicable Senate and House bills. Readers are
encouraged to expand their knowledge in the many
directions possible to them through this section.
[NIC1] Nichols, Randall K., "Xeno Data on 10 Different
Languages," ACA-L, August 18, 1995.
[NIC2] Nichols, Randall K., "Chinese Cryptography Parts
1-3," ACA-L, August 24, 1995.
[NIC3] Nichols, Randall K., "German Reduction Ciphers
Parts 1-4," ACA-L, September 15, 1995.
[NIC4] Nichols, Randall K., "Russian Cryptography Parts
1-3," ACA-L, September 05, 1995.
[NIC5] Nichols, Randall K., "A Tribute to William F.
Friedman", NCSA FORUM, August 20, 1995.
[NIC6] Nichols, Randall K., "Wallis and Rossignol,"
NCSA FORUM, September 25, 1995.
[NIC7] Nichols, Randall K., "Arabic Contributions to
Cryptography,", in The Cryptogram, ND95, ACA,
[NIC8] Nichols, Randall K., "U.S. Coast Guard Shuts Down
Morse Code System," The Cryptogram, SO95, ACA
Publications, 1995.
[NIC9] Nichols, Randall K., "PCP Cipher," NCSA FORUM,
March 10, 1995.
[NICX] Nichols, R. K., Keynote Speech to A.C.A.
Convention, "Breaking Ciphers in Other
Languages.," New Orleans, La., 1993.
[NICK] Nickels, Hamilton, "Codemaster: Secrets of Making
and Breaking Codes," Paladin Press, Boulder, CO.,
[NIHL] PHOENIX," Computer Column: Nihilist
Substitution," MA88, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1988.
[NIH1] PHOENIX," Computer Column: Nihilist
Substitution," MJ88, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1988.
[NIH2] PHOENIX," Computer Column: Nihilist
Substitution," JA88, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1988.
[NIH3] PHOENIX," Computer Column: Nihilist
Substitution," JA89, The Cryptogram, American
Cryptogram Association, 1989.
Nihilist Number Substitution," ON48, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[NIH5] RIG R. MORTIS," Mixed Square Nihilist," JA60, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[NIH6] PICCOLA," Nihilist Number Cipher," AS37, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[NIH7] PICCOLA," Nihilist Transposition," DJ38, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
Security Technology Group National Computer
Systems Laboratory National Institute of
Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD 20899
[NORM] Norman, Bruce, 'Secret Warfare', David & Charles,
Newton Abbot (Devon) 1973.
[NORW] Marm, Ingvald and Sommerfelt, Alf, "Norwegian,"
Teach Yourself Books, Hodder and Stoughton,
London, 1967.
[NRC ] National Research Council (1991). "Computers at
Risk: Safe Computing in the Information Age".
National Academy Press (Washington, DC). ISBN 0-
309-04388-3. xv + 302. Available from the NCSA.
[NSA] NSA's Friedman Legacy - A Tribute to William and
Elizabeth Friedman, NSA Center for Cryptological
[NSA1] Masked Dispatches: Cryptograms and Cryptology in
American History, 1775 -1900. Series 1, Pre World
War I Volume I, National Security Agency, Central
Security Service, NSA Center for Cryptological
History, 1993.
[NULL] PICCOLA, "Null Cipher," ON34, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1934.
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Road, Fort Meade, MD 20755-6000, and ask for the
Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria. Or
call 301-766-8729. The ``Orange Book'' will
eventually be replaced by the U.S. Federal
Criteria for Information Technology Security (FC)
online at the NIST site [FTPNS], which also
contains information on other various proposed
and active federal standards.
[ORE ] Ore, Oystein, Number Theory and Its History, New
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[OCNO] Office of Chief of Naval Operations (1943)
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available from the NARA, Pacific Sierra Regional
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Digraphs ," FM34, The Cryptogram, American
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Littlefield, 1987.
[PCSG] Public Cryptography Study Group, 1981, Report of
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AS44, The Cryptogram, American Cryptogram
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[PER2] SCHMOO, "Refinement for Simple Periodic Ciphers,
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Periodic Ciphers, AM40, The Cryptogram, American
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[PER4] R.E. GILMAN, "To Find the Period in Any Periodic
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Historiettes, Bibliotheque del La Pleiade, Paris
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Cryptogram, published by the American Cryptogram
Association, 1980.
[TRAj] TATTERS, "Skipping Tramp Cipher," MA80, The
Cryptogram, published by the American Cryptogram
Association, 1980.
[TRAk] GUNG HO, "Solving the Complete Columnar Single
Transposition Cryptogram, Succeed Every Time!,"
SO88, The Cryptogram, published by the American
Cryptogram Association, 1988.
[TRAl] DAN SURR, "Solving the skipping Tramp Cipher,"
MJ80, The Cryptogram, published by the American
Cryptogram Association, 1980.
[TRAm] SI SI, "Transpositon Algorithms and Equivalent
Linear Permutations," JA87, The Cryptogram,
published by the American Cryptogram Association,
[TRAn] GENIAL, "Transposition Ciphers with Identical
Plain Text Ends," FM40, AM40, The Cryptogram,
published by the American Cryptogram Association,
[TRAo] SCRYER, "Tromping the Penny Tramp Cipher," JF80,
The Cryptogram, published by the American
Cryptogram Association, 1980.
[TRAj] GUNG HO, "Validating the Solution of a Single
Columnar Double Transposition Cryptogram, " ND88,
The Cryptogram, published by the American
Cryptogram Association, 1988.
[TRIB] Anonymous, New York Tribune, Extra No. 44, "The
Cipher Dispatches, New York, 1879.
[TRIT] Trithemius:Paul Chacornac, "Grandeur et Adversite
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[TUCK] Harris, Frances A., "Solving Simple Substitution
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[Tuer] Tuerkheimer, F., 1993, ``The Underpinnings of
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Vol. 36 (8), August 1993, pp. 69-73.
[TUKK] Tuckerman, B., "A Study of The Vigenere-Vernam
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[TURB] Turnbull, H. W., The Great Mathematicians, New
York: NYU Press, 1961.
[TURN] Turn, Rein, "Advances in Computer Security,"
Artec House, New York, 1982. [Original papers on
Public Key Cryptography, RSA, DES]
[UBAL] Ubaldino Mori Ubaldini, "I Sommergibili begli
Oceani: La Marina Italian nella Seconda Guerra
Mondiale," vol XII, Roma, Ufficio Storico della
Marina Militare, 1963.
[UDoT] U.S. Department of Treasury, 1985, Criteria and
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Certifying Message Authentication Devices for
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Washington, DC.
[USAA] U. S. Army, Office of Chief Signal Officer,
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[USAH] Gilbert, James L. and John P. Finnegan, Eds. "U.
S. Army Signals Intelligence in World War II: A
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History, United States Army, Washington, D.C.
[USC] U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment,
1987, Defending Secrets, Sharing Data: New Locks
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Washington, D.C: Government Printing Office,
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[USDJ] United States. Dept. of Justice. Authorization
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Components. Washington, DC: N.p., 4Feb. 1994.
USENET: alt.privacy.clipper.
[USGA] United States General Accounting Office, 1992,
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Chairman, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and
Finance, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House
of Representatives, July 1992, Washington, DC.
[USHR] House Report 100-153, 1987, Part 2, the Committee
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[US92] Hearing before the House Judiciary Subcommittee
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[US4] United States. Fourth Amendment,
[USTF] ------. Testimony. Subcommittee on Economic
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[VIG2] SAI CHESS, "Discard your old Vigenere Charts and
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[VIG3] LEDGE, "Vigenere:Fundamentals," ND71, The
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[VIG4] AB STRUSE, "Half-Vigenere Cipher," MA69, The
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[VIG5] S-TUCK, "Introduction to the Vigenere Family,"
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[VIG8] CONTRACTUS, "Sigma Test for Keyword Letters in
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[VIG0] S-TUCK, "Solving a Vigenere," FM45, The
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[VIGe] TONTO, "Vigenere Family ," JJ54, The Cryptogram,
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[VIGf] S-TUCK, "Vigenere Family ," FM46, The Cryptogram,
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[VIGg] LEDGE, "Vigenere, Variant, Beaufort, and
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[VIGd] PICCOLA, "Vigenere with Running Key," ON36, The
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[VOGE] Vogel, Donald S., "Inside a KGB Cipher,"
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Computers, Vol. C-34, No. 8, August 1985, pp.
[WDO ] War Department Office of The Chief Signal Officer
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[WDO1] War Department Office of The Chief Signal Officer
(1941) Operating Instructions for Converter M-
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Converter M-134-C (short title: SIGQZF)
[WDM1] War Department (1942) Maintenance Instructions
for Converter M-134-C (short title: SIGKKK)
[WDM2] War Department (1945) Maintenance Instructions
for Converter M-134-C (short title: SIGKKK-2)
available from NARA; NSA Historical Collections
190/37/7/1, NR 2292 CBLL36 10622A 19410300.
[WDG1] War Department (1945) General Instructions For
Converter M-134-C (short title: SIGBRE-1)
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190/37/7/1, NR 4588 ZEMA35 13909A 19450600
[WAL0] "Arithimetica Infinitorium" and Opera
mathematica (Oxoniae, 1699), III 674,687,688,693
and 695 give solutions to nomenclators based on
pre-calculus theory. Wallis' "Letter-Book" gives
some of his important papers (Smith op cit, p32,
[WALL] Walling, V. C., Jr., D. B. Parker, and C. C.
Wood, "Impacts of Federal Policy Options for
Nonmilitary Cryptography," SRI International
Research Report 32, April 1981, Menlo Park, CA.
[WALL] Wallis, John, "A Collection of Letters and other
Papers in Cipher" , Oxford University, Bodleian
Library, 1653.
[WAL1] Wallace, Robert W. Pattern Words: Ten Letters and
Eleven Letters in Length, Aegean Park Press,
Laguna Hills, CA 92654, 1993.
[WAL2] Wallace, Robert W. Pattern Words: Twelve Letters
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Hills, CA 92654, 1993.
[Walk] Walker, S., 1993, Testimony for Subcommitte on
Economic Policy, Trade and Environment, Committee
on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of
Representatives, October 12, 1993, Washington,
[WARN] "Warner Amendment" systems (10 U.S.C. 2315 and 44
U.S.C. 3502[2]) applies to digital signatures.
[WATS] Watson, R. W. Seton-, ed, "The Abbot Trithemius,"
in Tudor Studies, Longmans and Green, London,
[WAY] Way, Peter, "Codes and Ciphers," Crecent Books,
[WAYN] Wayner, P, Statement in "Cryptographic Issue
Statements Submitted to the Computer System
Security and Privacy Advisory Board," by NIST, 27
May 1993, pp. 13-17.
[WEBE] Weber, Ralph Edward, "United States Diplomatic
Codes and Ciphers, 1175-1938, Chicago, Precedent
Publishing, 1979.
[WEIS] Weissman, C., 'A national debate on encryption
exportability,' Communications of the ACM vol.
34, no. 10 (October, 1991): 162.
[WELH] D. Welsh, Codes and Cryptography. Claredon
Press, 1988.
[WELS] Welsh, Dominic, "Codes and Cryptography," Oxford
Science Publications, New York, 1993.
[WELC] Welchman, Gordon, 'The Hut Six Story', McGraw-
Hill, New York 1982.
[WELS] Welsh, Dominic, "Codes and Cryptography," Oxford
Science Publications, New York, 1993.
[WHIT] Whiteside, T. (1978). "Computer Capers: Tales
of Electronic Thievery, Embezzlement and Fraud."
Mentor Executive Library published by The New
American Library (New York). ISBN 0-145-62080-1.
[WHOR] Whorf, B. L., "A Linguistic Consideration of
Thinking In Primitive Communities," In Language,
Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of
Benjamin Lee Whorf, ed. J. B. Carroll,
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 65-86., 1956.
[Wie] Wiener, M., 1993, ``Efficient DES Key Search,''
presentation at Rump Session of Crypto (August,
1993), Santa Barbara, CA. Available as TR-244,
School of Computer Science, Carleton University,
Ottawa, Canada, May 1994.
[WI68] M. V. Wilkes, Time-Sharing Computer Systems. New
York: Elsevier, 1968.
[WI80] H. C. Williams, "A modification of the RSA
public-key encryption procedure," IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-26,
No. 6, November 1980, pp. 726-729.
[WI87] H. C. Williams and M. C. Wunderlich, "On the
parallel generation of the residues for the
continued fraction factoring algorithm,"
Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 48, No. 177,
January 1987, pp. 405-423.
[WIGG] Wiggins, R. W. (1995). "The Internet for
everyone: A guide for users and providers". J.
Ranade Workstation Series (McGraw-Hill, New
York). ISBN 0-07-067019-6. xvi + 655. Index.
[WILL] Williams, Eugenia, "An Invitation to
Cryptograms," Simon and Schuster, 1959.
[WIL1] Williams, P., OSISEC Introduction and Overview,
University College, London, 15 April 1993.
[WILD] Wildman, Ted, "The Expendables," Clearwater Pub.,
[WINJ] Winton, J., " Ultra at Sea: How Breaking the Nazi
Code Affected Allied Naval Strategy During WWII,"
New York, William Morror, 1988.
[WINK] Winkle, Rip Van, "Hungarian: The Cryptogram,",
March -April 1956.
[WINF] Winterbotham, F.W., 'The Ultra Secret',
Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London 1974.
[WINR] Winter, Jack, "Solving Cryptarithms," ACA, 1984.
[WOLE] Wolfe, Ramond W., "Secret Writing," McGraw Hill
Books, NY, 1970.
[WOLF] Wolfe, Jack M., " A First Course in
Cryptanalysis," Brooklin College Press, NY, 1943.
[WOOD] Wood, C. C. (1994). "Information Security
Policies Made Easy: A Comprehensive Set of
Information Security Policies". Version 4.
BASELINE Software (Sausalito, CA). ISBN 1-
881585-01-8. 109 pp. Diskette available.
[WRIX] Wrixon, Fred B. "Codes, Ciphers and Secret
Languages," Crown Publishers, New York, 1990.
[WROB] Wrobel, L. A. (1990). "Disaster Recovery
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(Boston, MA). ISBN 0-89006-460-1. xi + 112.
[WROE] Wrobel, L. A. (1993). "Writing Disaster Recovery
Plans for Telecommunications Networks and LANs."
Artech House (Boston, MA). ISBN 0-89006-694-7.
xiii + 138. Index.
[WU83] M. C. Wunderlich, "Factoring numbers on the
Massively Parallel computer," in D. Chaum, Ed.,
Advances in Cryptology -proceedings of CRYPTO 83,
a Workshop on the Theory and Applications of
Cryptographic Techniques, Santa Barbara, CA,
August 22-24, 1983,
pp. 87-102. New York: Plenum Press, 1984.
[WU85] M. C. Wunderlich, "Implementing the continued
fraction factoring algorithm on parallel
machines," Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 44,
No. 169, January 1985, pp. 251-260.
[XAMA] XAMAN EK,"Bifid Workshop," ND93, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1993.
[XAM1] XAMAN EK,"Bifid Workshop- Part II," MJ93, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[XEN1] PHOENIX, "Xenocrypt Handbook," American
Cryptogram Association, 1 Pidgeon Dr., Wilbraham,
MA., 01095-2603, for publication March, 1996.
[YA82] A. C. Yao, "Theory and applications of trapdoor
functions," in 23rd Annual Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science, Chicago, IL,
November 3-5, 1982, pp. 80-91. IEEE Computer
Society Press, 1982.
[YAOA] A. Yao, Computational Information Theory. In
Complexity in Information Theory, ed. by Abu-
Mostafa, 1988.
[YARD] Yardley, Herbert, O., "The American Black
Chamber," Bobbs-Merrill, NY, 1931.
[YAR1] Yardley, H. O., "The Chinese Black Chamber,"
Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1983.
[YAR2] Yardley, H. O., "Yardleygrams", Bobbs Merrill,
[YAR3] Yardley, H. O., "The Education of a Poker Player,
Simon and Schuster, 1957.
[YOKO] Yukio Yokoyama, "Tokushu joho kaisoka,"
unpublished handwritten manuscript.
[YOUS] Youshkevitch, A. P., Geschichte der Mathematik im
Mittelatter, Liepzig, Germany: Teubner, 1964.
[YUKI] Yukio Nishihara, "Kantogan tai-So Sakusenshi,"
Vol 17., unpublished manuscript, National
Institute for Defense Studies Military Archives,
Tokyo.,(hereafter NIDS Archives)
[ZIM] Zim, Herbert S., "Codes and Secret Writing."
William Morrow Co., New York, 1948.
[ZEND] Callimahos, L. D., Traffic Analysis and the
Zendian Problem, Agean Park Press, 1984. (also
available through NSA Center for Cryptologic
[ZERZ] Zerzan, J. & A. Carnes, eds. (1988).
"Questioning Technology: A Critical Anthology".
Freedom Press (London). ISBN 0-900-384-44-1.
222. Index.
[ZYZZ] ZYZZ,"Sinkov's Frequency Matching," JA93, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[ZYZ1] ZYZZ,"Nihilist Substitution," ND94, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[ZYZ2] ZYZZ,"Solving Twin Bifids," JA94, The Cryptogram,
American Cryptogram Association, 1994
[ZYZ3] ZYZZ,"Bring Home the Baconian!," MA94, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
[ZYZ4] ZYZZ,"Xenocrypt Solving for Neophytes," JF96, The
Cryptogram, American Cryptogram Association,
Digital Privacy /red_paper.gif
The Ethics of Encryption
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Electronic Frontier Foundation http://www- weston/ptw.html
White House
Phillip R. Zimmerman:
Fourth Amendment"
Free Speech
Senate Bill S.1587 - Encrypted Communications Privacy
Voters Telecommunications Watch
Cryptographic Algorithms
Professor Ron Rivest
Terry Ritter's papers on Dynamic Substitution and
Dynamic Transposition ciphers
Michael Paul Johnson Thesis
Complexity Theory & Cryptography
Random Numbers
Netscape Hole 01/wagner.htm
Cryptography Policy & Algorithms Conf: Australia 95
U. of Cambridge
Elliptical Curves
quantum cryptography -use of quantum indeterminacy for
encryption & data security
Bibliography on Quantum Cryptography by Gilles Brassard:
USS Pampanino
Wavelets for Compression
Lenstra's Large Integer Package
University/Country Ref's
ftp://FTP.CSN.ORG/mpj/README Net_info/Tools/Crypto/
query1=cryptography&query2 =&query3=&case=on&error
s=0&maxfiles=200&maxlines=5000 y/index.html"
Cryptography Technical Reports Server
Crypto Reports
European Institute for System Security, Univ. Karlsruhe,
Brussels Free University, Belgium
sirene.lit.html http://www.informatik.uni-
Designs, Codes and Cryptography
journals.html e/cipher/
Security & Privacy - Books and Publishers
Coonferences: (Crypto, EuroCrypt, AsiaCrypt, etc.)
6 /ini.html
paradigms.html events/
Advanced Surveillance Technologies
Intellectual Property Protection in the Global
Information Infrastructure
proposed export criteria for encryption software /criteria.txt
Laws ypto/legislation/s1587.html
ml se.txt""
authentication protocols http://www.cis.ohio-
Computer Security & Industrial Cryptography Group
Government">NRL-ITD">Navy INFOSEC
DECA program: (Development of Espionage, Counterin
telligence & Counterterrorism Awareness) deals with
economic, industrial, and technological intelligence
Also see Cryptolog.html on NCSAFORUM Section 6 for many
other Crypto links.
The best course on the INTERNET by far is LANAKI's. It
is 25 Lectures long covering all phases of classical
cryptography. The textbooks are [NICH] Nichols, Randall
K., " Classical Cryptography Course, Volume I," Aegean
Park Press (C-74), ISBN: 0-89412-263-0, Softbound, 8.38
x 10.75 in, xii + 301 pp. Professor Nichols (aka LANAKI)
is the retiring President of the American Cryptogram
Association (ACA) 1994-1996. Classical Cryptography
Volume II was released in February, 1997. [NIC~]
Nichols, Randall K., " Classical Cryptography Course,
Volume II," Aegean Park Press (C-76), ISBN: 0-89412-264-
9, Softbound, 8.38 x 10.75 in, xii + 400 pp. 1996,
Volume I presents the first ten Lectures (of twenty
five) from Mr. Nichols' 1995 and 1996 on-going Classical
Cryptography Course taught to 461 students at all levels
of expertise. Volume I covers such diverse topics as
Aristocrats (the king of cipher puzzles found in many
daily papers), Patristocrats (Aristocrats without word
divisions), Xenocrypts (language ciphers other than
English), Transpos-ition Ciphers, Military Ciphers,
Cryptarithms, the famous German ENIGMA Cipher Machine
(with simulation program disk available),
Polyalphabetics, and special historical ciphers.
Ciphers and their cryptanalytic techniques for solution
are presented. Extensive foreign language data is
Classical Cryptography Course Volume I represents the
best in intellectual stimulation - better than chess,
bridge, and couch potatohood combined.
Volume II presents Lectures 11 - 20 (of a total of
twenty five) from Mr. Nichols' extremely successful
course in Classical Cryptography taught in 1995 and 1996
to 461 students via the Internet and regular mail.
Volume II covers polyalphabetic substitutions ciphers in
the Vigenere family (Viggy, Variant, Beaufort, Porta,
Gronsfeld, Portax, Gromark), decimation, principles of
symmetry, isologs and superimposition solution
techniques. Volume II describes the difficult aperiodic
cipher systems (Interrupted key, Autoclave, Progressive,
Running Key used in cipher machines) and their analysis
by isomorphs, and repetitions. Cryptarithm solutions
for extended bases are presented. The theory of
coincidences and statistical attacks (kappa, chi, phi)
that are derived from this important theory are
Transposition theory and a variety of transposition
ciphers are solved (Columnar, Amsco, Myszkowski,
Cadenus, Grille, Swagman, Auto-Transposition). Volume
II has two chapters on the difficult cipher systems
invented by the famous French cryptographer Delastelle:
Foursquare, Bifid and Trifid. Volume II ends with a
chapter on passwords, law and data protection. Volume
II is a potpourri of advanced topics in classical
Volume II includes over 1600 Cryptographic Resources and
References covering all phases of cryptography:
cryptanalysis, history, legal, social, classical,
modern, NSA, mathematical techniques, recreational,
intelligence, tactical, strategic, national defense,
INFOSEC: offensive and defensive, hardware, software,
standards, public key cryptography, web sources, and
applicable Senate and House bills.
The course is free to ACA members. Two BBS, one
netserver, and the Crypto Drop Box are maintained with a
wealth of information, lectures and computer programs
for the serious student. Professor Nichols shares his 32
years of experience to about 358 students worldwide.
Nothing better on the net for the pricetag. Be prepared
to work and enjoy yourself.
(and permit me a couple of personal plugs)....
By the honorable Louis Kruh, Editor/Founder CRYPTOLOGIA,
October 1996, Volume XX Number 4.
Nichols, president of the American Cryptogram
Association, 1994-1996, began a course in classical
cryptography in 1995 via the Internet and regular mail.
Presently, at its midpoint, the course is an over-
whelming success with more than 300 participants and
this volume, the first of two, consists of the first ten
lectures. Nichols' goals are to teach the basic
cryptanalytic tools for solving different types of
ciphers while providing some understanding of the
historic context and importance of cipher systems to
Volume I covers simple substitution, substitution with
variants including complicated types of cipher
alphabets, multiliteral substitutions, Xenocrypts
(substitution ciphers in languages other than English)
cryptarithms, Hill's algebraic cipher, German Enigma
machine, and part I of polyalphabetic substitution
In a clearly written style, Nichols describes how to
solve each cipher, often with step-by-step examples,
using various techniques. These include position and
frequency tables, vowel selection method, pattern word
attack, consonant-line method, Phi test, Index of
Coincidence, probable words, anagraming, frequency
distribution data, and common digraphs, trigraphs
and tetragraphs for foreign languages, Kasiski method
for periodic ciphers, known word method, symmetry
principles and other techniques.
A minor criticism is the use of three chapters or 1/3 of
the book for Xenocrypts. This is disproportionate by
any measure and additional editing and use of an
appendix for language data would provide a better
balance. Similarly, the Chapter on the German Enigma
stands out like plaintext in the middle of an encrypted
message. The information is interesting but out of
place; it belongs in an appendix.
Another criticism is the decision to have two volumes
instead of one, for no apparent reason. This will
require a second index and another list of references,
which adds to the basic inconvenience of having two
volumes when only one is necessary.
Despite these faults, Nichols has produced an out-
standing contribution to the literature of cryptology.
By way of comparison, in 1939, the American Cryptogram
association sponsored publication of Elementary Crypt-
analysis by Helen F. Gaines. This was the first
comprehensive textbook on the subject published in the
United States and, almost 60 years later, it is still in
print because no other book has come close to its
standard. Now, however, Nichols' book, or at least the
first volume, compares favorably and in some ways is
even better!
By the Honorable David Kennedy, Director of Research,
Classical Cryptography Course, Volume I. By
Randall K. Nichols; published by Aegean Park Press,
(714) 586-8811 (phone) (714) 586-8269 (fax); (800) 736 -
3587; 301 pages (with index); $34.80 (American
Cryptogram Association members receive a 20% discount
through ACA or NCSA Members receive a 10% discount if
purchased from the NCSA Bookstore)
In Classical Cryptography Course, Volume I, author
Randall K. Nichols has created a benchmark for serious
students of the science of cryptography. This is a
text. It is for learning, and with it one cannot help
but learn about the foundations of the science. An
outgrowth of Nichols' admitted "labor of love" in the
online Cryptography Courses he teaches over the
Internet, Volume I creates the foundation for
understanding the development of the science.
The ten chapters of this volume lead the student
through simple substitutions, substitutions with
variants, multiliteral substitutions, xenocrypts
(foreign language substitutions), cryptarithms, the
Enigma machine (separate Enigma95 program disk available
direct from the author) and finally to polyalphabetic
substitutions. Seven chapters conclude with problems;
solutions and discussions are provided in an appendix.
The text is indexed with twenty-four pages of references
for further study.
I found Nichols' sense of the history of
cryptography particularly noteworthy. The volume is
liberally salted with citations from history with
applications of the methods developed in the text. From
Revolutionary France through the American Civil War, the
Tammany Hall scandal, Revolutionary Soviet ciphers and
Japanese successes against Chinese codes prior to Pearl
Harbor, the text provides touchstones for student to
understand and relate to.
Phil Zimmermann observed in the documentation to
his Pretty Good Privacy Program to "Beware of Snake
Oil." Among his arguments is this anecdote:
I remember a conversation with Brian Snow, a highly
placed senior cryptographer with the NSA. He said he
would never trust an encryption algorithm designed by
someone who had not "earned their bones" by first
spending a lot of time cracking codes.
Where Schneier's Applied Cryptography is a crash
course in some encryption protocols and algorithms in
use today, Nichols' text begins the teaching of Snake
Oil detection and prevention.
Learning the fundamentals, developed throughout the
text, brings a richer understanding of the science,
it's history and insight into it's possibilities and
some vulnerabilities lurking for the unwary.
Nichols plans for release Volume II in the series
with advanced material on from the online course which
includes statistical attacks and transposition in
February, 1997.
Reviewer: Dave Kennedy, CISSP, is Director of Research
for the National Computer Security Association,
Carlisle, PA. He is a retired Army military police
officer and member of NCSA, ASIS, ISSA and the Computer
Security Institute.
For orders or Information Contact: Aegean Park Press,
P.O. Box 2837, Laguna Hills, Ca. 92654. Telephone: 1-
800-736-3587; Fax: 1-714-586-8269. Group discounts
available. WWW Web site:
Online orders may be made directly to LANAKI at or RAGYR at Volume
I sells for US $28.50 and Volume II sells for US $38.00.
Surface mailing costs are included, as well as, course
discounts. Add $8.00 to each book for overseas costs.
Orders to LANAKI will be signed by the author.
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